Potential Merit seat candidate: Frankie B
Frankie B.
A bard of some small reknown.
He has alerted me to various monstrous threats, searched out the haunted halls for items that could aid the city in combatting the various threats, and went out of his own way to find where Beholders wandered.
The one down side for me, is that he appears to have attched himself to Tristans little group, which, should tell you something about him, if -I- am recommending someone from Tristans little enterprise.
What do we think?
I only have met him a few times. He likes my bottom, but that does not mean he be a good Councilor. May be I will meet him more and get a better knowing of he.
Ursula -
So other than alerting you to threats around the realm, what has he done? Has he helped bring these threats low? Brought new information out about some of these threats? Basically, he sounds no better than a citizen alerting us to threats. What has he actually done to show he's councilor material?
As I am also a member of the Enterprise, I believe this sadly blocks Frankie from being allowed to enter the Council. I have not had the pleasure to meet the man yet, perhaps if he is of impressive standard I could leave the Enterprise so he may join.
Can someone update the roster? I had no idea Tass was even on the council.
What seat do you hold? Eveningstars?If so, that has nothing to do with Tristans enterprise, thing, as it's a separate entity, albeit supported by Eveningstar.
Tass are you part of the House of Morning? I was under the impression you weren't? Was this information wrong?
The Bishop has officially blessed me as a member of the House of the Morning, as I walk towards the brightest path to become a member of the official clergy of Lathander's Church. My path has only just begun.
With the tragic passing of Tristan, the Eveningstar Enterprise has been dissolved. As such, I do not see any further issues with Frankie joining our ranks.
Considering Izereth of the Precept is wanted by the Bishop of Eveningstar for murder with the whole Precept being exiled from the land of Eveningstar, and she is currently under investigation by the Crown Guards. Therfore, I am taking over as the one to recommend Frankie for Councilor. Per the Precept's own rules, exiles are not to be trusted.
You wound me Tass, whatever shall I do?-Izereth
Tass what has Frankie done to actually EARN his spot? I expect a list of noteworthy accomplishments, or he will not get a seat. If you need to see what is noteworthy, see Robert's file about being recommended. There I made a WHOLE LIST of deeds that I had accomplished before I got the Raven's seat that is GUARANTEED by our faction. They are EARNING MERIT seats. You can by all means recommend them for a seat, but until they prove they have EARNED it, they will not get it.
Per Dame Drakebane
Unless there is a reason to deny someone for volunteering to help the city then do it. Yay or nay below.
Twelve Council Clerk
If a member of Enterprise cannot be member of Council, then he is not being allowed. Can choose one or the other, yes?
Ursula -
The enterprise likely died with Tristan. Although I admit I'm not sure if Frankie would make a good Councilor or not.
The enterprise has been dissolved as I mentioned, I say yes.
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Has the man been contacted and been given a key?
Clerk Pinwell
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