Recommendation: Robert Blackfish
Recommending people to be councilors is fine, but what has he done to earn his position? The job of the Council of 12 is to protect the realm. How has he proven that he can protect the realm? Saying what he intends to do is great, now he has to prove it.
His actions speaks clearly, as he has already struck down fiends and pledged his life to protect Arabel. The Council could benefit from a man who will not sit idle and takes action into his own hands. After all, the Council seats are not for the elite, but those who are willing to make a difference. If you desire to know more you should seek him out.
Those aren't necessarily deeds worth meriting a council seat, or all adventurers could just take a seat. I will seek him out. He needs to prove his worth before a seat will be granted.
What deeds would you see a man do to say he be worthy of this?
Ursula -
Anything more noteworthy than just dealing with fiends. If he fixed the veil, that would be noteworthy, fighting the beholders would as well. Before I joined the Council of 12, I had fought a fearsome demon and Drow, helped kill the Twisted Assassin and Black Velvet that were wanted criminals, was helping to work on the planar threats, dealing with fiendish orcs roaming the Stonelands, trying to take down the Lady of the Bells, as well as all kinds of minor threats around the realm like goblins, orcs, undead, kobolds, gnolls, giants, etc. Most of those I'd say are notable acts that proved I was willing to protect the realm. It wasn't me just spouting my mouth off.
Now Robert may be Councilor material, but until he has a few noteworthy accomplishments under his belt, it's really just good intentions. Certain factions are guaranteed a seat, like Ravens, Precept, Wildwalkers, and House of Morning. Seats of Merit are earned and it is meant to be a difficult task. We should certainly keep an eye on him, possibly help him accomplish the things he seeks to. I'm not saying he can't join the Council for the record, I'm just saying he can't join yet.
Per Dame Drakebane
Unless there is a reason to deny someone for volunteering to help the city then do it. Yay or nay below.
Twelve Council Clerk
I think this man will do well for the Council. I say yes.
Ursula -
I say yes, but he better prove to be a man of action.
I say yes.
With my vote, the majority has been reached. I believe then he has been approved for this seat, Clerk?
Approved. Get the man a key and put him to work.
Twelve Council Clerk
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