Vasko the Evangelist
My understanding is until he receives an answer from the Queen, we should not attack him or his members. However, self-defense should still stand.
I am unsure to be honest.
I thought Ercole was just granted passage to and from the palace to discuss terms that day, and if they are pardoned it is only for what they did yesterday. Aything they did before they will still be hunted for and any further crimes they commit will only get them deeper in trouble
We certainly shouldnt let them freely recruit new members
Sir Pierre
Vasko does be traveling with Ercole often. I did see them together in the forest, with one named Brodd, and Saladin and Groll.
Ursula -
Wasnt this Brodd captured once?
He's working with the Lower House again?
Another one for the gallows it seems
Sir Pierre
I told Brodd I'd fuse his helm into his skull if he was seen within ten meters of them, not trying to kill them.
That's going to be disgusting, I was really hoping he wouldn't make me do that.
Vasko has been putting up more propaganda
He wants a trial.
The King's Herald uses the words of Ilmater. His stormtroopers and sycophantic followers - who only seek to be treated above others - openly threaten the priests of the faith and commit atrocities in the name of nobles. This cannot be allowed.
But I am a man of peace. Therefore, I, Vasko the Evangelist, shall present myself at the People's Palace to be tried as a traitor.
The king cannot destroy my soul, and my martyrdom once and for all shall prove my intuition. That the King works not for Ilmater, for the betterment of the people or even out of a misplaced sense of duty, but for the gods of oppression and tyranny. They operate without the need of any sense of justice and are Cormyrian in all but name.
I told him to turn himself in -
I do not require "a second chance" from self-proclaimed arbiters of the King's justice who threaten the Ilmater clergy. I have spoken to both Tilverton and the Precept on this, when they approached me, a man in his early sixties completely unarmed, and openly threatened me. If the King feels I have committed treason, I will happily demonstrate the tyranny of the current monarch, by presenting myself at the Palace.
The King mentioned Ilmater in his announcement, and I have merely mentioned to the underclasses that those acting for the King seek to persecute the Ilmater, as your letter and posters suggest.
The "treason" I committed was urging the King to refrain from attacking the residential areas of the city and arranging an evacuation to Eveningstar. The Tilverton Ravens and Precept took personal slight and are seeking to derive some kind of confession from me.
Vasko the Evangelist
So here is some more evidence, along with the above witness accounts of him travelling and working with Ercole and the Lower House members.
[Izereth places the originals of some letters here]
The key part being -
And you working with Vasko the Evangelist to enourage citizens to leave the Kingdom would be different in what way?
Because the Palace has made it clear they plan to turn the historic district into a bloodbath.
Dawnbrother Tristan
An admission of working with Vasko - therefore Vasko working with a treasonous traitor.
More evidence.
We can trial him then.
If he gives up useful information on Lower House plans or where they are hiding Jo he can perhaps be exiled.
Otherwise I see little choice but executing him
Sir Pierre
He is a sorceror, there is another choice.
Well if he is a sorceror you can serum him then
As long as he can't just run off and support the revolution again like Brodd did
Sir Pierre
Brodd was not a known member when the Palace released him, and had seemingly been hired for a single job.
Vasko has much more evidence against him, he doesn't need to be a member of the Lower House.
Vasko is dead.
I'm sure in what will not be a surprise to anyone he was found fighting with the revolution. He was slain with the rest of them
Sir Pierre
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