[Closed/Yes]Vote: Kill or arrest Redlock
Should we kill or arrest Redlock or show mercy, A yes vote is for killing or arresting, No is offering mercy
Sir Pierre
It is seeming to I that there be five choices:
- Arrest - kept in cage until death
- Exile - forced away from these lands for ever
- Mercy - forgive for all crimes
- Execution - for all crimes
- Send to Tilverton - to face judgement of the Duke for crimes done afore the riots (which may be same as 4).
The Royal Hose of Goldfeather would be wise to remember Redlock officiated there rule and one of the parents of Laam Wilaml was much of Lady Tymora.
Let this Council of Misrim who abuses and corruptions are have led to such falling outs destroy your relationship with the Tymorans at the peril of your authority.
Dawnbrother Tristan
Tristan of the Aster, should a good deed of the past be erasing a foul deed of today? No, it should not. I would vote first for exile. If such is not being possible, then there is little option but for I to vote for execution.
Ursula -
Should she be captured she can be placed on trial. Though she may choose death over capture
Tilverton will request she is extradited should she be captured, for her previous attacks against us
I am against exile for the simple reason in that she'll likely continue to incite rebellion from wherever she goes, likely High Crimmond
Sir Pierre
Vote passed 4 to 1
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