Talk of machine to sever wizards and divine casters from the Weave
Last eve I had an unexpected guest in the form of Ercole of the Lower House. He peace knotted weapon and asked for parley to discuss matter most grave. He then made clams that he had proof that a group was trying to extend the Divine Silence and make it permanent, and wished to show said proof publicly, but feared he his legal status would make that very difficult and thus asked for Astar assistance in bringing the grave matter to light.
I thus arranged a public meeting in the House of Morning for this.
On the day I called it and made it clear all were under parley and violence was forbidden. Several persons arrived include Jim of Tymora, Jendayi of the Wildwalkers and latter Sir Pierre, Trueblood Treth and Jace of Mosemare.
Ercole presented two items designed to suppress magic and explained they had been given to him by a former member of the Precept before said person went to ground. He then added said person had claimed the Precept were trying to create a device to suppress every none sorcerers spellcaster ability to cast in the region.
Through the source is hardly an angel of truth and honesty, if the Precept ever did create such a machine, it would likely spark a massive civil war and much bloodshed the day it was turned on. Additionally, rumour of such a machine could create distrust towards the Precept and much sorrow if left to fester.
In light on this I feel the only proper way to resolve this and stop rumour and suspicion ripping us apart is to have a team in the name of the Crown properly investigate the Precepts tools of magic suppression and deem if they could ever be ramped up into a threat to the churches and wizard schools of the region… and if so destroyed for the peace of the nation.
Dawnbrother Tristan
Do you actually want a response to this Tristan?
I don't think you do. This is a joke, right? It's pretty funny.
The source is a treasonous wretch who is the most wanted man in the Kingdom and you sheltered him
Sir Pierre
Your bungled assanation attempt on me surgests otherwise.
Dawnbrother Tristan
First it wasn't an assassination attempt. Second, you have stated to me that you have no proof that this isn't fabricated by the Lower House. Third, I'm curious why Asters are taking the word of criminals who are known to lie, and believing them? I doubt Theron would even be foolish enough to believe their tale.
Moving armed men to block doors and changing the topic to treason looked highly suspecious to me, especialy considering the Ravens history.
Dawnbrother Tristan
Now onto the two items.
While questions could be asked while druids are being called "Tree Witches" in offical paperwork. I feel the fits of confustion side effect is extremely concerning for similar reasons we banned the mushrooms. Questions must also be asked what manner of substance is used as a base for the effects for it to wreck divine casting?
Dawnbrother Tristan
Is Tree Witch being a bad thing to be named? I am thinking it is not, for many in my lands use such names, some even being called Witchdoctor in other lands. These are not wicked names, Tristain of the Aster.
Also, you should not be believing all that comes from the mouth of Ercole. He is having a silver tongue, forked like a snake, speaking words of honey and venom. He is being very handsome and clever, like a yellow musk flower. But are you knowing what this flower does?
Ursula//OOC: Those screenshots are so small that even opening them in a new tab I cannot read the print on the items. I only know about them, again OOCly, because of my previous character.
//OOC - I'm replacing the screenshots
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