Vote: Bounty on the Lower House
Naturally yes
They have killed a Raven, A councillor, Tried to steal from House Mossmere, Stole from House Hightowers crypt, Attacked Precept assets among other things.
Sir Pierre
For assault on the palace,
The Lower House is wanted for treason.
Discuss an appropriate Bounty, know that magical relics or perhaps titles will be dispensed according to contribution.
- Clerk Pinwall
The bounty needs to be quite large. Ercole is known to be a rich man, and his associates not poor either. If the bounty is meagre, he could simply offer any hunters more gold to just walk away.
People are also either scared of him, or like him.
It needs to be big. Consider he threw 15,000 gold around to buy back a few of his men from someone just the other day.
15,000 gold is nothing to him.
I suggest
200,000 alive, 100,000 dead.
100,000 alive, 80,000 dead
Other members
80,000 alive, 50,000 dead-Izereth
Rather high amounts
I'd be more inclined with 50 thousand on Ercole alive, 40 dead.
40 thousand alive on Groll, 30 dead
30 thousand alive on the others 20 thousand dead
For those who bring in multiple ones, Magical relics or perhaps titles
Sir Pierre
I would suggest the bounties just be made dead now.
There is clearly no point in bringing them to the cells when it seems they can hire assasins to simply break them out of the cells
Sir Pierre
Do we have an agreed upon number yet?
Getting these posted would be good.
Sir Pierre
I would agree to the 40 thousand on Ercole, 30 thousand on Groll, and 20 thousand on the rest dead. They should be kill on sight anyway, so no mercy should be afforded them.
These numbers are meaning little to I. Make them what you wish.
Ursula -
It pleases me to think you all think the Royal Coffers are so flush with money we can throw 100,000 coin at a gang of random hooligans.
I am also disappointed that all you can think of is coin as a reward.
As decreed by the Royal Herald,
Should a single individual capture Ercole, they may request one favor from his Majesty, or a treasure from the vaults of the Royal Treasury. You may also opt for coin.
Should you capture his lackeys, and depending on circumstance (we will not award a mob), a treasure will be dispensed or coin will be paid. Of course, if you wish to loot their belongings, that can be your reward as well.
Clerk Robinson
Posters written to this effect would be most welcome, Clerk.
We were discussing gold amounts to entice adventurers and bounty hunters, not to pay ourselves.
I may have missed the posters, been a little busy, unlike clerks and heralds, I actually do things other than claim to be masters of communication, who appear to have confused the people they are paid to inform.-Izereth.