Possible Wraiths of House Hightower
Note that this is in no way confirmed.
If it didn't come from an estranged member of the family I would dismiss it as hearsay and slander against the nobility.
However Lucius Hightower claims that certain members of the Household are either wraiths or possessed by them.
He doesn't believe that Emil who has been seen in the company of adventurers is afflicted by such.
If the claims are true it is likely caused by the curse of Southhorn.
Sir Pierre
It seems Lucius is considered dead by the family.
A tomb in the family crypt appears to have his name on it though scratched out.
Sir Pierre
I found the following information when searching through Noble families in case I needed to contact them due to recent events.
Lord Gregory Hightower II is the current living lord of the Hightower family, Lord Gregory I of the same name ruled the house before him for sixty-two years till his demise of natural causes.
The heir is stated to be Emil Hightower, the only living member of the Hightower family besides Gregory.In the years of Gondegal's rebellion his eldest son and heir Lucius Hightower was noted to have gone missing at the Battle of Southhorn, and eventually declared dead. His remains were never found but accepted theory was demise by evocation magic, judging from the site of battle.
Some years following the Battle of Southhorn Gregory's wife, Eleanor and youngest son Elias were declared dead after passing away from disease.So, Lucius was presumed dead.
Elias (who we... supposedly met) was also supposed to be dead.Lucius can't tell me anything about what happened during or after the battle of South-Horn...
It is somewhat concerning.
And he is wandering around in Purple Dragon and Cormyrian insignia, and dodged any questions of loyalty to the Kingdom of Arabel.
Also, somewhat concerning.
Were you with Pelagia when you asked these questions? Because I'd avoid answering your questions with her around too.
I was alone with him.
Well it appears the lands House Hightower owns are infested with Shadows so there may be truths to Lucius's words
Sir Pierre
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