Immersea Troubles
A cave was found and explored today. Within, we found Sahuagins warded up behind magical barricades. It took some time and creativity to get to them but we eventually cleared the cave of them.
We found a ritual site where they seem to have performed an abyssal ritual. Not one of summoning, but more of an offering to contact and gain favor. The mages that were with us, mainly Misa and Merago, were able to determine this. Also, Misa informed us this ritual took months to build.
The main ingredient of this ritual was blood and sacrificed citizens and sailors. Dozens upon dozens killed for this. At the center of this mess, was a bloody rune circle, and upon it, a charred corpse that obviously was used as a focus for this dreadful business.
Among the corpses, I found a coin-sigil of the ship named Gambit. If I understood correctly, this was the latest ship sent by Immersea.
Misa has volunteered herself to collect and sort out all information from the various events.
Bloodhound Ydira
There has been another attack rom the Sahuagin, this time, they had a horde of zombies with them. They managed to kill several of the halfling rangers taking up residence in Immersea.
They were after the Immersea Ledger and manage to take it.
I was not present, this was brought ot be by the songstress Elora.
Bloodhound Ydira
The Mystran group encountered an abyssal ritual, one of binding. It was made of abyssal and mammal blood. It seems experiments were performed as they found rats that were mutated, imbued with abyssal blood. They were dispatched accordingly.
They also encountered a communion circle. This one cruder but still warded with sophisticated layers. A new name was encountered. Mabelood. They said it was imprinted on this ritual circle.
They also encountered a cultist there as well. He was slain. The man babbled the same nonsense about drinking from the sea. He was a shipwrecked sailor taken by the fish folk, who for some reason taught infernal rituals.
Yesterday, there was an attack on Aukspear. Many of the villagers were slain by sahuagins. We encountered some of their numbers who clearly were mutated and enhanced, perhaps my all these abyssal rituals they are preforming . One of their shaman was impressively tall and covered with all manner of magic. There was no ritual on site, though they were starting to eat the villagers.
One of their baron was captured but in its attempt to escape, was slain by one of the adventurers. I have, however, managed to collect a blood sample for it. The Precept Arcanum will study this and attempt to learn more on their mutations.
Councilor Underhill, if you would care to add any details you noticed?
Bloodhound Ydira
There was another attack from the Sahuagin, it just happened this evening, came here to write it down while it was still fresh in my mind. This was just north of Aunkspear, They seem to be getting closer and closer towards the town. This was a very large attack with I would guess a little over one hundred. Their tactic this time was littered with ranged attacks, barricades, and a mass amount of traps, even hidden spikes within the barricades that trigger when agitated, with a fairly strong but small frontline trying to prevent us from making it past the barricades, which just took some time. Nothing captured, so rituals observed or on site, none seemed to escape from what I seen.
James Underhill
Earlier this evening, there was yet another attack from the Sahuagin. They occupied the same bridge just north of Aunkspear, There were not many this time, but unfortunately they ransacked a caravan headed north. The place was littered with gas traps and their standard barricades. The attack was rather small in size, but strong. None escaped or captured.
James Underhill
Do you know the content of the caravan?
Bloodhound Ydira -
There was nothing found, the caravan was completely destroyed and anything that was in it was taken, I did not find any remains other than a few planks of wood and wheels laying on the ground that were parts off the wagon from the caravan.
James Underhill
I have begun to lead patrols again to root out these Saughin
Myself, Omar, Therku and a gnome patrolled along the coast of Aunkspear then the rivers of Immersea into the Kings forest.
All seemed quiet but if patrols keep up we will catch raids in progress and may be able to stop them
Pierre of the Black Chalice
Those who were present during the strange island event, do let the rest of the council know of the details.
Especially concerning the Zhents found in the ship that rescued your group.
-True Bloodhound Ydira
Yesterday a patrol of myself, Ercole, the gnomes and a barely intelligent half orc went to patrol immersea.
We ran into Jenny near the Blisterfoot inn and continued south.
Near the Aunkspear coast we encountered a large force of Saughin and dispatched them.
We noticed that the hull of a recent shipwreck some of the Saughin had appeared to have small cuts and the like from weaponry.
Perhaps sabotage? Naval matters really aren't my expertise.
Pierre of the Black Chalice
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