Alistair's Apprentice
I do wish to express a level of concern with how quickly your apprentice was willing to kill old women with his magic for a belt. A very high level of concern.
- Veronika
I also express concern.
Not for any particular reason, mind, just that the situation above seems rather bleak.
@angryowl ...was the belt worth it?
The note is left unsigned, but it's obvious from the school-boy-perfect handwriting that it's Ikaros.
While I too was a bit baffled at the display, I do know he was frustrated himself and wanted to take out his anger regarding the unfortunate events on the Vizier.
He did, however, prove how invaluable he was later that same eve. When faced with a powerful drow summoner trying to bind a demon with a foul ritual below the Griffon's Hill, his ingenuity allowed him to trap the summoner and his demon within.
He is still a raw product, but I do believe he has untapped potential, despite the unfortunately grim scene at the Paradise.
- Alistair
In two days time, a feast is being held for my apprentice in the village where he is now apparently mayor. If any are able to attend, please join us. After learning the village willingly sent their elders to death in exchange for the Vizier selecting their next mayor, I am dubious of the nature of the folks in this village and what there is to be learned there.
- Alistair Aldershot
The taint within Tilverton has been cleansed. We have worked as we needed to with the Malagent Whitlock of Talona and Jenny Whitlock of Tilverton to destroy the powerful demon that my Apprentice had trapped nearby and the Drow which summoned it.
While my Apprentice and Jenny had fallen after we exhausted all options aside from drinking from a foul and mysterious chalice, the Malagent and I were able to best it.
The Drow summoner stepped forth once more to mock us, but I drew the line.
I could not in good faith, in good conscience, allow such an evil to walk freely in the realm. An Infernalist who held a chalice that once sat at the table of Orcus himself.
I attacked him and defeated the mage. In the process the Chalice was broken, but recovered so none others may use it for their nefarious purposes. It shall be a relic to be safeguarded by our order.
As such, I would implore that my Apprentice has more than earned his way for his place in ensuring this threat not only not run amuck, but to aid in our ending of it once and for all.
- Alistair Aldershot
So long as he acts with humility and wisdom I feel no reason to bar him as he is your apprentice. We were all young once, and can give in to impulse. He has shown a drive to take action against the creatures that roam unchecked, and for that I offer my sponsor.
Humble in thought, efficient in action may Mystra guide us forward.
- Al-Rashid
If he wishes a place here, his prior misdeeds must be addressed.
Calling upon the Art to aid in the slaughter of elderly women is not an act that can be simply dismissed as 'impulse.'
He must offer penance.
Forgive me if I am posting out of turn, here, but Byron has mentioned that the ward in Bospir is tied to miss Viktoria and his own life essences, neither of them apparently fully understood or agreed to this when it was done. He simply did it, like they were jugs of wine to be tapped for- what I choose to believe in his mind- was a greater need.
If it had been someone close to me, I would have killed him for such a reckless disregard of humanoid life and the sanctity of such things.
It is not my place to say where he should or should not be, but he is not the first talented arcanist I've run into who has no concept or concern for their effects on the world or the people in it.
Misa Leonalloud
While he has acted brash in some of his endeavors, there is no better place to foster learning and tutelage than under our watchful guide.
If you believe it prudent we do not allow the man access, I will not argue, though I do know he has been working tirelessly to make up for the shortcomings he has displayed in the past.
I also know that if he continues to learn under us, it will prevent a powerful Arcanist from going unchecked to his own machinations with the counsel of so many bright individuals.
A guiding hand is what a young mind needs to be molded, and my reach cannot be omniscient. The guidance of the Seekers would be paramount in his continued growth.
What penance would you have him complete, Ikaros?
- Alistair
@bowser @Sparr0w The note is redirected to Aeris, as Ikaros does his best to stay out of any potentially contentious matters.