Lavish/Maskarran/ Temple of Tymora/ - Spy app against Tymora
Knockknock / Lavishfeast
• Ercole Crawford / Knockknock
• Level 7 Rogue of Mask.
• Currently masquerading as a Tymoran.
• I would like to apply for sponsorship by the Tymoran Temple.
• Ercole has very prominently portrayed himself as a Tymoran Priest-in-training.
I am currently running the RIDDLES OF TYMORA. A progressive Treasure Trail leading to notable locations throughout the server which I tend to scout out in the quiet hours of the day when no-one else is online. I am taking groups on expeditions around the server in pursuit of these clues. This in service to a broader con which will be weeks/months in the making and detailed in the Thorns of Arabel subgroup.
I am in the process of setting up the TYMORAN GAMES, a gladiatorial dueling tournament with the twist that entrants roll a d6 dice before each duel; with each number providing an alternate blessing to be bestowed on them for good or ill, incorporating an element of luck. I am just broaching sponsors before going live where Ercole, with his Maskarran hat, will be looking to skim off the top for personal enrichment. That said, this is predominantly a goodwill initiative to tighten bonds to later exploit.
Ercole has been ingratiating himself with the Council of Twelve who recommended he assume Kincaid's old seat representing the faith of Tymora. Which has prompted the application, I will ICly be coming to the Temple for their blessing. I'd love to do it and I think it could lead to a lot of interesting political movements. I anticipate it will blow up on itself within short order as nefarious ends are exposed, which in and of itself will stir interest, but in the interim I believe it would serve the progressive story and open new doors whilst also being serviceable in terms of narrative. Ercole is a prominent Tymoran and his sponsorship I don't think would raise any eyebrows.
Ercole has a pre-arranged agreement with the new Thayan Magus, Nikos, on whose behalf he will be fronting Thayvian interests in return for discounts, bribes and favours.
Ercole has an agreement in place with Pierre to support key Tilverton proposals for similar returns.
I think there's a lot of scope for political intrigue with a corrupt Councillor selling himself out to the highest bidder until it all goes awry.
Needs to earn the perk to be able to do the spy thing, I don't think he has reached oc level
Not there yet. OC of Tymora is a big deal.
Grete launched a raid and could have been killed.
Kincaid infiltrated a faction, stole documents, betrayed a faction, risking death againMurrain have been raising heck for some time and finally just got pseudo OC/Church recognition of a nothing church.
Argun was at it for a long time before he got OC.
I think he doesn’t necessarily deserve oc yet, but some position and backing is nice
The romantic in me really likes that he was supported by our last well done spy, Kincaid, and mask has targetted that church to teach them a lesson. It’s honestly very thematic.
He also appears to be involving others, and trying to do something fun and original. Ballsy as heck to target our settings largest church.
This kind of stuff does happen in FR lore, evil priests sneaking into other clergies and stealing their flock, etc. we obviously aren’t there, I’m just saying there is s precedent for it in the lore.
I do agree, hasn’t earned official clergy, but could be recognized as Kincaids logical replacement.
He should've app'd for this at creation IMO.
This whole group is joining factions for the goal of being spies and this is the first actual app I've seen.
I think this started as a cause a ruckus group. The app has been presented as a result of IC driven stuff and opportunity.
I'd be a lot more excited about this if this was a PC interaction thing like Gloomy did with Tymora and the Ravens. I'd consider having the Tymorans recommend the pc, just like pcs can nominate pcs. We do that as a slight show of support to this app, let the council vote him in or out. He gets in then it's now player interaction instead of needing dm.
I do agree that if the intent is to infiltrate all these factions, then a heads up to the DMs would have been nice.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on