Closed: Cancel the Murrains Bounty
How exactly does this warrent the Murrains bounty canceled and void? What logic is there behind such?
They did what they did which was sacrifice people, whatever reason they did this for doesnt matter it is the act itself which does.
Whatever concern you raise here is a completly other issue and if you want it discussed dont mar it with a different issue completly.
-Loreseeker Eshan
Because members of the council have issued a bounty on the Entire group for supposed crimes of 2 or 3 of the members.
Did those not there commit the crimes of which they are accused of, No!
This entire investigation has been a farce from the start.
You were told to identify which members took part, You failed to do such and issued a blanket bounty.
A bounty which was offered to be removed if the members acted against Tilverton and kidnapped the Dukes subjects.
Pierre"The Butcher" The Cambrian
If you ensure that Tilverton hands over the guilty members Pierre I see no reason why the others cannot go free.
I see no information about removing a bounty if someone handed over any of the dukes subjects and this is not something that could happen with just the one council member, the vote would stand and bounty remain.
The real farce here is that you are completly ignoring the murders that took place to attempt to get your mercenaries off the hook.
Removed, no.
Revised to those involved. Yes.True Bloodhound Ydira
So let me get this straight
The person they attacked first was Elora, not yet a full member, but connected to the House of the Morning, Then yes as connected to the House of the Morning that would be covered under the war and not murder.
The traitor revealed themselves and fetched help, The help was subdued and the traitor killed, Now it seems to me it was a straight killing, No ritual to offer them to their god. So this doesnt seem like human sacrifice.
Stillwater offered herself to save another and was killed also.
I see no instances of human sacrifice here, Just mercenaries getting a bit out of hand.
And then Toussaint offered to cancel the bounty if they commited crimes against Tilverton.
The entire thing is a farcical mess and waste of time.
Pierre "The Butcher" Cambrian
My understanding of the situation, Raven Cambrian, is that Miss Everly was kidnapped then sacrificed. So there is indeed a kidnapping and murder here. The rest came to her rescue but failed. In the process, Stillwater and Meg were killed.
This was done outside of Eveningstar's land, and, if you would please make up your mind, done either by the Murrain on their own as faith related, or under the orders of Tilverton as a war effort.
They, that being those involved only, must be held, at the very least, accountable for the kidnapping and murder of miss Everly.
Does that clear it up for you?
True Bloodhound Ydira.
So you talk to a man who faces exercution charges for his actions and he says his bounty would be invalid because he talked with me?
These things are needed for law.
Are you seriously denying this Toussaint?
Are you making worse for yourself after the duel?
You lost. Admit your failings and work on correcting them
Pierre "The Butcher" Cambrian
To be clear, we approached them to parley for the release of Elora, or at worst, return of her remains. They struck at us, and we defended ourselves to the best of our abilities. Unfortunatley they had significant reserves hiding under guise of invisibility ready to strike.
Wether members of the Murrain were present or not, the majority were there and this was an act perpetrated by them. I stand by my opinion that all members of The Murrain are implicated, and should be pursued. If any members of the Murrain feels unjustly pursued they are free to end their association or better yet, come adress the council and testify against those they hold accountable within the group.
As to the so called evidence presented by Cambrian, I fail to see the relevancy. You may well have grievance against Toussaint's personal dealings, and a right to air those, but they bear no impact on the guilt and pursuit of the Murrain.
-Dawnsquire Theron Harcourt
With seven still wanting the bounty, the majority has spoken.
This was never even up for a vote. Filing it away.
-DawnHammer Argun the annoyed