Lady of Bells
The Lady of Bells is a red headed woman who was reported to me by Seeker Al-Rashid. She seems to be the one behind the disturbances we've had all around the kingdom of rituals being done that summon forth outsiders. From the celestials that attacked Eveningstar to the Slaadi found in the forests.
While she may not be doing these rituals herself, this "Lady of Bells" has been promising rewards of power in exchange for whatever it is her evil tongue requests. A DeathKnight? DoomKnight? GraveKnight? Has been spotted in the Stormhorn mountains and the Collinwoods, and it said to be serving this Lady of Bells as well.
There have also been sightings of infernal ogres appearing in places she has visited, so it's safe to assume that she has some sort of connection to the hells.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
The Lady of Bells is brazen enough to wander the streets of Arabel and venture into the taverns within the city offering trades to any whom are to ignorant to know better.
Any whom confront her should use caution as she is likley to bring forth an army of undead upon them, these undead are powerfull and dangerous.
-Loreseeker Eshan
I hear reports she made a pact with someone for an army of celestials for Eveningstars war efforts.
I do hope this is false and no one was that foolish, Can someone confirm that the angelic host that Stillwater offered to banish to try and keep the Murrain out of the war and that Old Jim reported to me were not obtained by pacts.
The relevant letter is attached
Pierre "The Butcher" Cambrian
@o-louth said in Letter: Jim of the Murrain:
I have thought long and hard on your offer. I will not be paying you for taking part in the struggles ahead. But you should not accept gold from Tilverton either.You never struck me as mercenaries. And from what little I know of the oath takers of the wild, they never struck me as being corrupted by the lure of wealth. By accepting the gold of Tilverton, you, an oath taker, will show that the Wild Walkers of Talona not only once, but twice attacked Eveningstar. The veil of neutrality so often claimed by the Oath takers, shall forever be shattered.
This struggle, will never become the end of Eveningstar. Nobles must fight each other with somewhat decency and honor, and it will be too costly for either side to entirely eradicate each other.
But you, the Talonite faith, is another matter. This is not a matter you should ever take sides in. It does not concern you. But the fallback on the wild walkers, and you especially, will be all the greater. The Bishop will be forced to launch a holy march against your faith. All because you chose to become mercenaries, for a mere 25.000 gold pieces, rather than staying out of this conflict entirely.
No, I will offer you a different price. Stay out of this conflict entirely. In return, I shall personally see to it, that the the contigent of angels currently resting in the Kings Forest, awaiting Lathanders call to act, are banished from these realms. Instead of them becoming entangled in this conflict as well.
Is this conflict really worth you losing your entire group? Is gold really worth their lives?
Dawnsquire Evelyn Stillwater
An army of undead attacked Tilverton today.
Including a giant of rotting flesh, Some of the undead resembled the sort seen in the Nemser ruins of the stonelands so I went there with Jenny, Sad and Therku
I spoke with the so called master of the ruins who said the infernalist, likely the lady of bells had tried to make an alliance with them but he refused, and she got undead from the shadowfells
Even though the war is over it seems she is still active in the region
Pierre of the Black Chalice
There have been a number of run ins with undead of the lady of bells earlier I understand.
The Ravens had a run in with undead from the lady in the sewer I believe as we heard the sound of bells but we didn't see the lady ourselves.
Pierre of the Black Chalice
Fiendish orcs have been recently appearing around the region. I have seen them in Hillmarch mines and around the Stonelands and Hanee reports them being seen near undead on Griffon Hill.
The undead described match those used by the lady of bells
Perhaps she's added the fiendish orcs to her roster.
She may lair in the smuggling tunnels, what appears to be a throne room with a leering skull behind the throne and implements of torture along with a plaque in a language that isn't common, Netherese or Draconic was recently uncovered
Pierre of the Black Chalice
Further investigation of the throne in the Smuggling tunnels and the text therein leads me to believe it is not connected to the Lady of Bells but perhaps drow or allies of them
Donie translated the text and it is in undercommon
It speaks of a chamber of pleasure and is signed by a Lord Polomin
Pierre of the Black Chalice
I had an encounter with who I cannot doubt was the Lady of Bells herself. I was unaware as to her identity at first, but I can be sure now. She had an undead puppet, one of those sinewy corpses and spoke in riddles. From this conversation she mentioned a place called the Shadowfells and a Lord Yuu'ash. Part of why she may be so difficult to find is possibly that this is not a place located entirely on our plane. Indeed when she made her exit, it was as if reality imploded in on her.
Does anyone know of the Shadowfells? Where can we look to find out more? I will send a missive to House Mossmere to ask if they may have some information
It is a different plane I think
From what Asbaron told me once she hires mercenaries from there, perhaps the undead she uses.
Sir Pierre
We encountered one of her creations on the south road. A burning bones skeleton. The thing was rather chatty as well, believe it or not. It told us it was a butcher and that he had made a deal for riches with a woman in red. Needless to say, the deal did not go his way and he ended us an undead. She seems to be going around making deals with people and, of course, using whaever loophole devils do to take their lives.
I have seen giant undead whenever she is encountered, along with other types. As for the creature, she appears as a red haired woman dressed in a red gown. You will hear the sound of bells or breaking glass around her.
With Hanee I spoke with Asbaron earlier, We asked him about this Lord Yuu'ash. It seems he is a trader of corpses to make into undead.
Unfortunately we were unable to get more information such as where he is based
Sir Pierre
I was thinking maybe we could track them somehow. If this Lord Yuu'ash is a trader in corpses then he should have a supply. Perhaps we can look into grave robbings or missing persons, or even get one of the dead the Lady of Bells uses to track where they get them.
If you do go the route of a divination I'd advise one of the variety of shadowy undead that seems to reform themselves unless the corpse is hacked apart.
That might give the best connection to the Shadowfell and this lord Yu'assh
Sir Pierre
It seems the forces of the lady of bells have been leaving cut emeralds in circles around Eveningstar.
Over the last week they have been found in the circle near the haunted halls, the circle near southhorn and a patch of dirt in the south horn graveyard
Unfortunately we are unsure of their purpose at this point
Sir Pierre
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