Putting a bounty on the Murrain?
There is no discord. The Murrain act as one and should be pursued as one, and the location was the High Road, a place the clerk already confirmed to be under Arabel's influence. We do not need more questing for excuses to delay. Announce the exile and set the bounty, and let us move from words to actions.
-Dawnsquire Theron Harcourt.
Individuals aside, we know that it was the Murrain group that committed this crime on the kings land. As such, the Murrain and their benefactors should pay the price. The Murrain themselves should be banned and exiled to protect the people.
I also move that an official statement from the Duke's superior be requested to be sent to Tilverton demanding the Duke to break ties with the Murrain and release this group from his services lest the Duke be in violation of the Kingdom law of treason, that none shall side with the enemies of the Kingdom. Enemies of the Kingdom include, but are not limited to, a group of Talona worshipers who commit murder and sacrifice the King's subjects. Wererats or other such monsters. And plague bearers who poison the kingdom's crops.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
I agree with the above, however the most important thing is that the murrain are captured and executed.
Luckkeeper Alexander Kincaid
Then that should settle it good clerk. The Murrain should be considered wanted criminals.
However, as it is often wrong to blame an entire group of people for the actions that may have been committed by the few, the status of the Murrain should be lifted if they turn over the four criminals in their group. That's Hans, the half orc, and the third lightning casting gentleman that were involved in the sacrifice attack, and the wererat Tenebris.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
For clarification,
The Murrain are or are not recognized as agents of Tilverton?
-Clerk Steinhouser
The Murrain are in fact, on the Duke's payroll to take an active part in the war between Tilverton and Eveningstar, yes. They are publicly hired mercenaries under Tilverton's banner. If that makes them Agents, then they're agents.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
Mercenaries often act out and go overboard- to which, Tilverton has already made a statement condemning, though.
Or are we going to recall the shit the Ghosts did...
Or maybe the Vaylan Mercenaries...
Clerk Boris
Ballsy of you to mention the Ghosts, Boris.
Clerk Robinson
I find it unconscionable that in todays Free Arabel we are faced with such barbarity.
A reminder clerk Robinson, we have to finish that paperwork before next weeks various hangings of anti-revolutionary extremists, can't go kicking out the buckets without a report filed.. A repeat of last month would be unpleasant.
-Clerk Steinhouser
I gave those to your wife to fill out, Steinhauser.
I'll pay her a visit.
Clerk Boris
I have spoken briefly with Hans of the Murrain. Their claim is that their actions are part of the war declared by Eveningstar, in Service of both themselves and of Tilverton. This would make their actions the responsbility of Tilverton.
I leave this for your discussion.
Watcher Amherst.
As much as I would wish to find Tilverton responsible, I doubt the veracity of Hans testimony, I believe this atrocity was of their doing, in service of their dark faith and their own agenda against the free and goodly people of Arabel, I believe the involvement of anyone of Eveningstar unintended, we simply happened to be the one fastest to attempt a rescue off the innocent girl. I would be happy to be proven wrong though.
-Dawnsquire Theron Harcourt
[clerk Steinhouser is seen rummaging through the files for Clerk Borises address, carrying a binder labeled Municipality Acquisitions Condemned Housing Ordinance]
I've given Hans the suggestion that the four should walk into court and make their case there, since it be less messy then chasing them down.
Shall we get a court and summons ready for them after they've thought it over as group before formally setting the hounds on them?
Julien Toussaint
If they wanted to walk into court and turn themselves in, they would of done so already. Whether or not they claim it was an act against Eveningstar doesn't matter. What matters is that they messed up, and an innocent woman is dead, sacrificed with her body cut and sent down the river.
Either they acted alone and should be put on the bounty list as outlaws, or they acted as they claim, in Tilverton's name and the Duke needs to pay. If we sent a missive to the Duke however, I'm willing to wager he'll wash his hands clean of this incident, as he always does when his plans go awry. Which is it? It just sounds like they're fishing for excuses now.
Either way, we've already put the vote up and it's unanimously yes, five to zero votes so far.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
What evidence do we have of this supposed lycanthrope in their midst?
His grace has expressed confusion and concern.
- Clerk Jacob
Sadly, the witness and source of this information, Meg the halfling, perished during this incident.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
I fought it during the battle.
-Dawnsquire Theron Harcourt
The bounty vote has passed, a list of crimes and names sorted.
Only thing missing is price per head. What are the possibilities in this area?
True Bloodhound Ydira
Rewards are decided upon delivery.
Clerk Pinwell