Report Files
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Arabel Downtown Security - Reports
Eveningstar Security - Reports
Dawnsquire Arton Blackwood
Location : High road between Eveningstar and Arabel
Report : Headed out of the Eveningstar I came across a trail of black bird feathers, a crow or raven leading to a banner of Lathander and a pair of vials of potion at the base.
Dawnsquire Arton Blackwood
I have a few questions,
This seems like conspicuous sign, but what could it mean?
And what were the potions? I've never heard of vials of potion before. What do they contain?
My apologies, that should read poisons, not potions. Small spider and arsenic.
Dawnsquire Blackwood
It seems like a sign that the Ravens will poison The House of the Morning.
There's too much there to be a coincedence. -
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i believe that there has already been an attempt to this end, though it was ill fated in its execution and the would be perpetrator discovered by one of the villagers who paid the ultimate price.
The grey watch were investigating but as far as i know there are no specific charges or identifications made.
General Information
Current Council of Twelve Members
Council of Twelve
Institution Seats
- Greywatch Seat- Open
- House of Morning Seat- Dawnsquire Arton Blackwood
- Precept Seat- Bloodhound Ydira
- Tilverton Seat - Raven Arn Targon
- Wildwalkers Seat- Bodvar
Merit Seats
- Merit Seat- Diviner Aurora
- Merit Seat- Luckbringer Grete Moonsilver
- Merit Seat- James Underhill
- Merit Seat- Sasha Xisdrith
- Merit Seat- William Thatcher
- Merit Seat- Julien Toussaint
- Merit Seat- Open
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