[Closed- Nay]Vote: Bounty on Greg
Until we have confirmation one way or another as to the Planar problems facing the Hullac, I have to say no.
If there is a problem, it's being handled effectively and we do not have a contingency prepared for if those protections fail as a result of alienation.
If there isn't... Well, we haven't determined that yet. I can try to identify if there are any, but the Hullac is a big place and I'm still not entirely sure what the purported problem is.
I second Councilor Drago's sentiments.
-Blood Dragon, Naresh
Firstly, the Slaadi are real; I've fought them, been infected by them, and been cured of it with quick imbibement of potions. There is no doubt of their existence, and no doubt that Great Druid Greg's actions have kept them contained to the Hullack itself. One may note I made a very pointed announcement when the storm first appeared.
Secondly, Bryce calling for a bounty for the same actions we called the Scarlets to bounty for is a farce. Either you're doing this to stroke your own ego or for monetary reward. Unless you want to say your methods of going alone to beat them with your fists isn't a valid form of justice, Bryce.
-Councilor Grurec, son of Torunden
Yeah if you want to go beat the hell out of the Great Druid, you don't need our permission to do so! That's why they call you guys Vigilantes.
Just don't expect any help. Or for us to defend you in the event that it goes poorly and the Druid demands retribution. This is literally what your organization is meant to do. Why you think you need our permission makes me think you do not understand how your own organization functions.
You're vigilantes. Go vigilante. By definition you do not need our permission to do these things. Just don't expect us to help or support you if we disagree with you. In fact, the whole point of keeping the Greywatch as a strictly non-sanctioned but tolerated organization seems to be so we (Or the greater Powers that Be) can disavow their actions in the event that they go badly. The Greywatch position on this council seems to contradict this theme if you ask me, but what do I know.
To be clear- I think trying to beat the piss out of the Great Druid is a real bad idea and why I voted against it. But I'm sure I won't stop you if you try.
No Grurec.
The council put a dead alive bounty on a group with no evidence that they'd done anything but assualt, that's what we took issue with.
There's plenty of evidence that Greg has assualted people even leading to the loss of someone's arm after he allowed Rot to cut it off.
A bounty for him alive is perfectly reasonable
Dear Bryce, Fellow members of the Council
It is likely no surprise, that I find this a very bad idea. I can assure you that the slaad plague is very real, and that Greg is currently fighting tooth and nail to contain it. No one is more concerned of these matters than we, and the Wildwalkers are doing everything in our power to ensure that it does not become a problem for the entire region.
I told Bryce in person, that picking a fight with a Great Druid is not a healthy use of time for anyone. However, we of the Wildwalkers also know that a rapid dog must be put down, if it bites its master. And if it comes to that, we shall police our own, just as we expect any of you to do, if someone becomes a rogue agent of your respective organization.
If Greg and his feral ways becomes a threat of a scale, of which this council and the kingdom finds that direct action must be taken, bring it to our attention, and we shall act accordingly.We allow no outliers in our ranks, for such is not the way of proper balance. If one becomes an outlier, we deal with it, swiftly and efficiently. And if it is beyond our powers to do so ourselves, we shall seek the assistance of the council. Just as I expect the Precept Arcanum to ask for assistance, if a rogue arcanist rises, and is beyond their capabilities of handling.
If you wish to try and beat up Greg, dear Bryce, make the attempt. An alpha wolf must sometimes be challenged, or it grows lazy and weak.
Adrienne Hawthorn
Squire of the Kings Forest -
I vote No on this bounty.
I can only agree with what has been stated before. While he should probably be dissuaded from his going around assaulting people, encouraging people to try and pick fights with him to bring him in seems somewhat backwards. And would potentially unleash these chaos frogs.
I won't pretend to understand the council members methods, but this appears to be a no to a bounty for assault.
I'm somewhat curious as to what Council member Ezri would do to "dissuade" atree witch- druid from beating people up once we've given them the go ahead.The vote is concluded.
-A Clerk
My point is simply that if the issue is that he's assaulting people, making people actively pick fights with him will likely just escalate it my dear clerk.
If this is him reactive, giving him cause to proactively attack City folk should be a last resort. Especially when, again, he's holding back chaos frogs.
We have a representative from the Wildwalkers for a reason, a new one infact. Let's maybe use that first.
This vote and matter is closed. Move on councilors
Twelve Council Clerk
//updated the topic to reflect such//