Proposal: Demi Human Registration
I dislike the idea of giving the Precept Arcanum (or anyone else) so much power over the broad topic of 'unique entities, clandestine or extra-planar', especialy since I can foresee conflict with the Drudic Circles over such matter in the future.
On the demi human registration... while those whose blood is mixed with the plannar can cause trouble and/or have radical personalities, we have a lawbook and they have choice to obay. I trust the Greywatch and your bloodhounds will ensure that troublemakers reap what they sow.
Also not to put much of a fine point on it, but our Queen reads these files and she's rather solid proof of the power of choice yes?
Soppi of the Redwood
I would seek to speak more in person on the subject. You may seek me out in Eveningstar at the temple and I will give you time to speak and I will hear your words and your proposals before I comment further on such a proposal.
Praise the Dawn
Dawnbringer Jadzia Sunguard
Than I shall find each of you in time to discuss a favorable common ground we may stand upon. As stated before, I understand the need for boundaries in one's powers. I think this discussion may be used to better bridge the divide between our orders.
-Councilor Naresh Sabzvari, Bloodragon of the Precept Arcanum.
By the lawbook such beings aren't even citizens and could be killed with no legal reprecussions.
Whist I am not suggesting we do such, a method of knowing what manner of magical blooded beings are in the city and a register of such would be wise and bring the citizenry peace of mind
Quit trying to throw your stick at everything. Why not focus on what criminals already Plague Arabel? As a council I am sure you will all decide the best diplomatic course for Arabel's future. Pray on it and seek the wisdom of others before you start your finger pointing again.
Councilor Byrce,
Let me be clear, that if you attempt to wantonly slaughter latents in the city.
There shall be repercussions.
And this jack-booted attempt at intimidation is unbecoming of a councilor.
-Councilor Naresh Sabzvari, Blooddragon of the Precept Arcanum.
And before I forget Councilor Bryce, those of unique lineage are still citizen's by the merit that they are still bare majority human blood and are not born evil. Your attempts to usurp their citizenship is however, noted.
Councilor Naresh Sabzvari, Precept Arcanum.
No, They aren't citizens
I suggest you read the following.
Well then we should be glad this is not for you alone to decide councilor Bryce.
I've never suggested killing them.
I know it may be hard for your sun addled mind to comprehend and read something that doesn't involving praising Lathander, But do at least attempt to read things fully before putting quill to ink
What ever do you mean councilor I merely stated a fact I did read fully so I am curious at your insults. Were you thinking of killing cause I don't remember saying such. Merely an observation that your not in charge I suppose. But do take your tantrum outside it's not very becoming for a council member or would you rather behave like a common thug with a Stick?
Robinson, did you know the Greywatch were pencil pushers? They'll be after our jobs next!
-Clerk Pinwall.
We should make a list of all the people who might take our jobs, and keep an eye on them then.
-Clerk Robinson.
I'd personally feel safer with less horned weirdos running about.
-A Clerk
It is an unfortunate truth that those possessing bizarre or strange bloodlines and heritages are possessed by strange urges, stronger emotions, and less capacity for critical thought and self-constraint. They are often trapped by the bloodline origin and its inherent vices, like a wolf among sheep, it will eventually tear out the throat of the weak. It is a natural urge, and we pity them for being born in this way. It was, after all, not their choice to give up the free will and mandate of the mortal races to choose, or have it restrained.
Unfortunately, we must look at facts. These races cause trouble, bring misfortune, and harm wherever they go. Even the 'holy blooded' seek to overturn the status quo, bring chaos, and often render judgment without care or concern for local traditions and laws. Whatever they perceive as evil must be punished- even if there is good reason behind it. We need not speak of tieflings and their inherent proclivities toward evil and mischief.
It is thus that his Majesty refrains from extending his benevolent and royal hand of protection over these would-be subjects. They must prove they can rise above the dirt and muddied blood of their heritage and embrace the good and civilized path of humanity over the polluted blood of their lineage. All may deal with these troublemakers as they see fit, as appropriate. Should the individual prove themselves worthy, they can be protected as any other.
The Twelve Council of Peers is here to protect the realm from such nascent threats, or recognize those who rose above.
Dictated but not read,
Royal Wizard McGregor Falstean -