File: Order of the Aster angellic summoning
You are not within the right to question Eveningstar or her Laws set by the Church of Lathander councilor. Nor is my actions in any of this up for discussion or any of your business based on the ravings of a mad woman who once aided a Lycan of Malar. Perhaps you should be questioning your own actions and what is best for Arabel rather than trying to interfere with the laws of another. I suggest the issue be put to rest as you have no credible evidence of any wrong doing by The Aster or myself Councellors!
Dawnbringer Jadzia Sunguard Councilor
P.S. The temple is well with in its rights to issue bounties for crimes against Lathander and his church.
I will question who and what I want.
You enforce the laws in Eveningstar and nowhere else.
Issue any more bounties on citizens of Arabel for things that occur outside Eveningstar and you will be charged with kidnapping
Did not occur outside of Eveningstar Councellor check your facts!
I checked the roof this afternoon and the effect seems to have faded.
Don't play around with outsiders again please, even if they are of your faith.
Soppi of the Redwood
Its none of your concern Oathtaker to be inspecting The House of The Morning. Worry about your forests and the frogs coming from the Hullack that are plaguing adventurers.
It's almost as if conjuration magic is unreliable and people should stop using it in general.
Who knew.
Clerk Robinson
Explains why you were spawned, rather than born.
-Clerk Pinwell.
Put your quills down you two or I'll prestidigitation them into a place you wouldn't normally want them.
Clerk Sedgewin.
Is that a prestigious reward?
-Clerk Johnson
Would it not be a fair compromise, to simply sanction a small group of adventurers versed in conjuration to do a walk about the territories, they may measure the energies and if all is well we simply toss these files to the fire and be done with it.
I don't see any harm that could come from it, the Eveningstar officials may even observe as to keep it "Above the level" as it were.
I'm certain there are adventurers all but clambering for a chance to flex their arcane knowledge for such a prospect.
-Naresh Sabzvari, Prospect Arcanum
The druids visited Eveningstar and detected the energies. That the Aster have conjured planar beings is not in question.
The idea of a council approved task force to monitor Eveningstar is a good idea though.
We should vote and if it passes make it known should the Aster try and interfere they go against the will of the council.
Clerk Robinson, thoroughly humiliated be Sedgewin and Johnson, hatches a conniving plot to return the favor. Soon, their desks are filled with toads.