[Set] Olouth/ Unnamed / Human (Cansin subrace)
Olouth — Today at 13:47
Hi Puffs. Something like: I want to play a Cansin. The basic concept is something who has always been an outsider, as chaos and weird shit follow him like a shadow. Thrown out of his childhood village, for being viewed as a jinx, X has always struggled to fit in. Beyond his two eyes (One gold, the other so light blue, it looks like silver), and hair that moves in a way that denounces gravity, X always seems to find chaos, drama strife or fighting. I plan to play the character as unnaturally impulsive, portray the odd appearance (perhaps we have a toggle for glowing eyes or some such), and unnaturally attracted to chaos. He will naturally move towards the center of any fight, have trouble sticking to a plan, struggle with authorities etc.
as an example?
The idea is for the character to seek a home in the temple of Tymora, to find "meaning in the chaos" through the churches teachings, and perhaps in time, move towards a Champion of Tymora position, title, etc.
Puffy — Today at 13:53
Sure thing, sounds good to me. -
I think this is perfect tbh, cause he will be pitted against Mortuis cultist Tymoran
Setup. :thumbs_up:
Allowing him to remake the PC as a male, with new name etc.Olouth — Today at 11:52
Definitely. I just cant get the personality I wanted forth with a female pc... it needs to be more weird and slightly darker, and it just comes off as weird when you play a female drunkard on coa for some reason :wink:
But, yes, not just a name change, a new pc, got it.Decided to keep the PC
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