[Set]SunnySideUp / Valtyra Castemont/Aasimar Subrace- House of the Morning (Aster)
1) Human/Paladin/Lawful Good/Creation/ Valtyra Castemont
2) Aasimar Subrace, House of the Morning (Order of the Aster Squire gear etc.)
3) A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue (As a supporting character)
a. Promote the religious aspect of the Aster branch of the faction.
b. Support the other players in their goals.
c. Orin’s pc Muric into a leadership role
d. Valkyrie’s pc Jadzia into official clergy
e. Lead and organize adventures into the Haunted Halls and other dangerous less explored areas of the server. Under the banner of bringing the light to the darkness etc.
4) Professor Misclick PC
5) Aasimar heritage is that of an Angel specifically an Astral deva or the messengers of the gods of good. I would represent the subrace by:
a. Believing her unique heritage is inherently righteous.
b. Feeling superior to others and quick to pass judgment/correction.
c. Obsessive nature towards appearance and physical form.
d. Demonstrate above normal wisdom, insight, and confidence.
At first look Valtyra is an exceptionally beautiful young woman. At 5’6” she is slightly above average height with a muscular, athletic build. As more time passes a viewer may notice her flawless skin has a slight golden hue to it. The luxurious long black hair shimmers as if it were some sort of metal and there is a feverous triumph in her green eyes. Dressed in the garb of the Order of the Aster she appears as one would expect of a servant to the light, intensely righteous and unbreakable.
Posting this up for the team. Might need a vote because I am wanting the squire starting gear. -
It came with pics so I upvoted.
jk, is a good app, cant wait to see a paladin aasamir in action with Aster support.
Satisfies the app-lite requirements.
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