UrFavBoi Tiefling /special background
[10:06 PM] UrFavBoi: Race: Tiefling
Class: Fighter
Alignment: LE
Name: Slade Grisham
[10:06 PM] UrFavBoi: Applying for Tiefling subrace and special background as a servant to the Green Dragon (I forgot his name.)His goals include infiltrating Arabel to better understand it's strengths and weaknesses. Gain some measure of political power through his canny intellect and trickery- Likely would pursue this through membership to House Misrim.
Once in a solid position he will flex his influence to weaken Arabel's staunchest defenders. He may do something as small as manipulate how much they must spend on Rismente's potions, or something as big as having them tried for treason or murder, or whatever. If I can manage it I'll turn the entire city against a single person and send them straight into the embrace of the Green Dragon, thus turning them to our cause.
[10:06 PM] UrFavBoi: In conjunction with all of that, I'll be covertly trying to recruit people into my secret society, which is in actuality a cult dedicated to the Green Dragon. This will be rather difficult to do as I aim to be careful and this is sort of reliant on server numbers and the diversity of the numbers therein.Eventually I would like to earn the Dragon Disciple Prestige Class, but the ultimate goal would be to have the Green Dragon effectively “rule” Arabel- either by acting as it's protector in exchange for it's resources, or perhaps more directly, through a coup that unseats Jastyne.
Physical traits: Silver horns set with emeralds. Six fingers on his left hand, because I just love that trait. Slightly vampiric-looking fangs. The faint scent of copper.
February 27, 2021 -
This is the kind of thing a character does organically in game, not something they start out as.
There's nothing to stop them "applying" to be any old tiefling and telling us how they'll not be a human with a tail, and then trying to do this in game.
But... basically, no to NPC support from an NPC that's not a dragon but a grig with a powerful ass illusion spell.
Voted no for the same reasons Zool gave
No NPC support
He can app for tiefling and earn anything else in game -
To be quite honest, it also doesn't actually cover what is required for an "app lite" for ECL 1 subraces.
So... no for that reason too.
No, but not because I don't like the idea. It's because I'd much rather have this guy find the dragon/grig IG, go searching for it, make a vow to serve it, etc, in game. Doesn't really feel like a thing that's app'd for so much as earned, especially since this PC has never even ran into the grig yet.
Plus, it's just an illusion and fey prank. I'm 99% sure the player thinks it's a real dragon, and allowing this would just break the illusion all together.
The idea of having this LE tiefling swear fealty to this fake dragon who's actually a good aligned fey sounds comical. Though I can't imagine that the grig would do anything more than pull pranks against said tiefling itself.
Informed him that it didn't work with the storyline, didnt say how
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on