Bowser Wanna be a wererat
Bowser/Zurask Xyphon/Wererat and Flies visual effect
1). Half-orc/Cleric/NE/9/Zurask Xyphon2). Wererat affliction and Flies Visual effect.
3). Zurask Xyphon is a Rot Priest that's every decision is made to further serve the Rotting One, Yurtrus. He is a disgusting rotting beast, always carrying fresh maggots on himself ready to spread their rot. His current goals are to continue to harvest the corpses of his enemies, raising them up to spread the decay of Yurtrus in Arabel.
He foretells of a plague that is coming to destroy all of Arabel, which is tied to his ultimate goal. Creating a creature of undead called a Pestilent Bloat, a mass of rotting flesh and disease that will spread it's toxins across the lands. He has now aligned himself with Obyn as well and agreed to serve in his coming assault by trying to kill Islyn Misrim.
With two wererat allies and his disposition towards spreading disease and decay, I believe he's reached a point in his story where his allies would either convince or force him to embrace lycanthropy that they inflict him with.
The overall goals of the character would remain the same, however it would change his disposition:
Character fears Belladonna and Silver, allowing players to force him to flee or to need to use minions to defend himself. If players were to acquire silver and state such, he would writhe in pain, even drop one of his secret necromancy tome as he flees to add to the drama. If they placed Belladonna around themselves or near them, he would run away.
[5:59 PM] -
Character becomes naturally greedy, but moreso for fresh flesh than coins or items. This will be a constant hunger, roleplayed as feeding his Rot, allowing it to fester.
Character does not have control over when/how he shifts. This will be roleplayed on my end by intermittently rolling Will, to try to contain the monster of Rot within him. Sub 18 Will Rolls will result in him shifting into a wererat. (Base 10 Will)
Character speaks differently when shifted, acts much more monster-like and much less thoughtful.
At this point, sure, why not?
A bit of a weird turn, but sure. I don't think it would make him much stronger, probably more of a hiderance.
Has this been set?
Talked to them.
They don't think it makes sense seeing as the other rats died, and he was never infected by them.
He still wants the flies VFX.
Gonna give him the flies VFX
I slapped it on him for you zool
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