Discussion: Nicholas Appletree for New Council of 12 Member
Unless they know of someone else to represent the Aster, then it is we nominate the Young Dawn to replace Aritian.
- Redwoods
Do the Lathanderites need two members on this Council? Or is Aritian stepping down?
Osco -
Aritian is stepping down, I believe.
A Young Dawn informed us Aritian was leaving the region and wished to take his place.
They can only have one place on the council, however.
- Children of the Redwoods
It seems the Great Druid is nominating him. As she is not a member of a house, is there a second?
I've met him and I'll second him
I will open the vote.
After he blurted out information to the Banites, I'm not sure we can trust him.
Osco -
Little Bard of Coins, please elaborate. What was told to them?
This may affect our and other's decision.
- Children of the Redwoods
Yes. Remember when we were all gathered at the crystals and the Banite mercs showed up? Appleberry went on to tell them that we were considering the Free Men and how much they were charging and what they were offering. It should not have been discussed with them AT ALL. Even if was semi-public knowledge, it was irresponsible at the very least and dangerously treasonous at the worst.
Osco -
A Little Bard of Coins makes a fair point.
A Young Dawn needs to learn to keep information of importance to himself.
- Children of the Redwoods