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It was you? It was a fool enough idea I just assumed it was his. But the rest of my message stands.
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[A reply is sent, which is just simply a highlighted excerpt from the Arabella Lawbook]
Serious Crime:
Serious Offenses:
Fines not to be below 5000 coins, and not above 15 000. Any held offices are to be revoked. Offenders are to submit to aiding the Councils for no less than One Tenday's worth of labor, as determined by the judging Council.
-Magical Crimes- Animation or Control of the Undead. Summoning of planar beings from both lower and higher planes. Magical tampering with memory, mental states, or other compositions of an individual's body or their humors.
I break no law. Merely uphold them. Onyx has been found to be necromantic, and the recent stockpiling for raising undead. Complain as you will, I merely uphold law.
I own a short sword. Some assassins own a short sword. I should be put in a cell because I am an assassin? You are over simplifying. Most Onyx is used in a completely harmless way. Take it down.
I argue different. Large shipments have been carried out within the city to be used at that.... Thing. That was found at the deceased estate. And confirmed that onyx is used for animation.
Necromancy is still necromancy, Retainer. It lingers in areas one should not stray into. A longsword may kill, but it does not disturb the peaceful rest that have passed.
I do wish to remind you that retainers are not exempt from serious crimes.
May the Dawn be with you,
Dawnsquire Aritian Faressain -
Do not force my hand. Change it to reasonable verbiage, or take it down, or I will bring you up for review on this council. Sadly these are the three options.Aric
Retainer Polk,
There is no law, no rule I have broken. I have posted a reasonable demand in trying times. We will not tarry the presence of undead.
If you wish for me to change the wording of Arabel's own lawbook, I will happily do so as I find it very poorly written. However, such would need council approval.
Upholding the Law does not, nor is it STATED anywhere within the laws that I as a council member, or even just a citizen of Arabel cannot uphold such Law.
Dawnsquire Aritian
Take them down. //a poster from house Misrim is included.
i will not. //a poster is included.
Stop this foolishness. You will get yourself removed from the 12, and possibly arrested. Don't make me write to your Knight to have you expelled from the order. Please, if not for friendship, then at least for the good works you could still do for this City.
I have broken no law, and have brought in no reason to be removed. Therefore, any case you might make towards an arrest and removal are void.
-Dawnsquire Aritian Faressain
To rekindle an old argument in the name of mine fallen brother, dead at the hands of some unseen assassin's,
I ask this council to once again brand the Onyx which plagues this land a reagent of Necromancy, and call it for what it is, contraband.
Already the citizens of Eveningstar have done their part, destroying jewelery that could be repurposed for evil. I urge you all to follow their good example. The light in the west burns bright, I caution this council to follow their example.
In the past three days, I have found with mine own eyes three separate acts of ritual based Necromancy corrupting the Hullack, Moonsea, and the western road. Undead wolves, deer, Badgers, goblins, and yes, trees, sent upon the Free Peoples. Each site, a piece of Onyx was used to cause this unholy blight.
Stop this mess, I hear from Senior Retainer Polk that he has the name of a man who stockpiled, and continues to stockpile -cart loads- of this substance which has been used to create a spire of unholy conflagration which might be released ANY DAY now.
I urge you all to reopen this discussion before things grow well beyond our control.
I propose an immediate change to the law, Aritians Amendment, a ban on the purchase, sale, and transport on Onyx within the city of Arabel.
-Dawnknight Appleberry.