[no]Gloomy/Joe Wererat/Tiefling
Gloomy_Sunday/Felryn/ NE/ were rat
An experiment by a deranged Gnomish wizard, devoted to Urdlen, Felryn was bred for the purpose of slaughtering and eating kobolds and goblins who plagued the area, vermin, who the wizard saw as a waste of his time. After the wizard was slain by a group of adventurers Felryn fled the tower with one of his former masters apprentices and lived as a vagrant, never staying in any one place for longer than a few days.
Having spent years in chains watching his creator craft magical items, Felryn has become obsessed with creating a powerful magical cloak. He will take the cloaks of any he subdues or kills, and cut them up, sewing fragments onto his own cloak to try and make it more powerful. He is unaware that is not how such magic works.
As a devotee of Urdlen he is obsessed with showing his dedication in two ways:
Items of art, or decoratively crafted magical items he obtains will be sought after and destroyed.
Through aiding his masters former apprentice, he will seek to have his claws coated in mithril, the perfect way to emulate the crawler below.
As a Wererat I will be playing Felryn as an insane greedy scurrying creature, he will eat carrion covet the possessions of others, go through bins and generally personify the idea of vermin. He will be adverse to wearing finery due to his devotion to Urdlen, and will destroy anything that looks overly extravagant he comes into possession of regardless of its usefulness.JoeKickAss/Zugnu Trydljygr/ CN/ Tiefling (Summoning theme ooze)
Gnome/Sorc/Teifling/Chaotic Neutral
Tiefling, Summong theme: Ooze
Zugnu, as an outcast among gnomish society, found work as an apprentice for a relatively well hidden, but utterly disgraced gnome wizard in the underdark. As a sorcerer, with no real understanding of the weave and belief he is a wizard and not a sorceror, his master soon disregarded the tiefling as a curiosity more than an apprentice. As this become to obvious to ignore, the first opportunity that arose, Zugnu fled his master’s hold with prisoners, most of whom died in the escape. Living as a hobo in various sewers and underground caverns, he learnt how to control oozes using his innate ability.
As an outcast of gnomish society he naturally views Urdlen as something of a kindred soul, to the point that he believes his abyssal lineage is somehow related to Urdlen. While not really an urdlen worshipper in any sense of the word, he believes that he has a natural right to rule below ground and will set up an “under council” to govern matters below the surface.
Fully supporting Felryn’s cloak obsession, he believes that by destroying magical items and combining their fragments makes more powerful magical items. He believes that Felryn’s cloak is, therefore, an important relic that is somehow related to Urdlen, and encourages Felryn.As an insane gnome sorcerer from the underdark with no understanding or society, I will be playing Zugnu has a character who has essentially learned his behaviour from things he reads, and will behave accordingly. The under council he runs will issue decrees of no real meaning, many members of it will be oozes that he summons, which he believes are sentient creatures that speak to him. These creatures are merely a manifestation of himself (a projection of his own personality).
Goals of both are kinda weak in my eyes.
The way I read it:Gloomy:
Will get bunch of cloaks and sew them together
Joe:Will help Gloomy
Its fine for appless things, but weak for what we would expect for a Lycanthrope.
Voting no for gloomy, Joe's app is fine
Gloomy_Sunday: the lycan app is weak, and while I see how he'll portray a lycan, I dont think "make magical cloak" is enough of a goal to justify a lycan
JoeKickAss: tieflings dont need an app, and the summon theme he's requesting doesnt need an app
Putting this as a no then, will inform Joe he don't need an app.
What the rest have said.
2:18 PM] Gloomy_Sunday: Hey, are you able to give me some pointers about my app that never passed so I can rewrite?
[2:33 PM] Professor Misclick: Needs more in the way of goals.
[2:33 PM] Gloomy_Sunday: Okay, I have a few things I can add
[2:34 PM] Professor Misclick: Lycans are conflict based creatures. Outline what you will do to create that. How you will involve other players etc. -
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