[set] Cpt_Elrad/Arlayna Silverleaf/Character ties to the Silverleaf Family
1). Elf/Ranger/Chaotic Good/4/Arlayna Silverleaf
2). Sub-Race Aasimar as well as being a member of the Silverleaf family
3). Member of the Silverleaf family who seeks to build a new elven homeland but also seeks to bolster relationship with the city and it's people as well as bring an end to the Eldreth as she sees them to be a blight to her kin
I hope I filled it out right it has been 12 years since my last app -
Sure why not
No major objections
Some lore sent to Cpr_Elrad
Now a little interesting lore she would know is this: The Silverleaf family in Arabel had a much more ancient name once upon a time, but after a tragic event the family cast away the name and married into the Silverleaf family instead.Cause of the shame over the past, the family does not speak of their ancient roots. But she has a rough idea that is was related to a small kingdom near Arabel many centuries ago
You will be able to find some family history IG, but it may be hard to find due to puzzles, magical seals or language barriers.
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