[Set]sharkinajar / Burdrul Orcleaver / Apping for Dwarven Envoy
[8:59 PM] sharkinajar: Did puffy put up my app for dwarven envoy? :3
[9:00 PM] Echo: not that I see
[9:01 PM] sharkinajar: Could you post it for me then? Please!
[9:01 PM] sharkinajar:Topic Title: sharkinajar / Burdrul Orcleaver / Apping for Dwarven Envoy
1). Barb/fighter / NG / Burdrul Orcleaver
2). Dwarven Envoy for the Embassy
3). A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue
As a dwarven envoy, I plan on persuing a number of goals, such as:-Protect the dwarfhold in Arabel from the approaching White Hoard menace
-In the current political upheaval, I plan on ensuring that the dwarven foothold remains
-Make deals with Misrim for trade and the like; The dwarves are involved with a lot of importing goods from Thunderholme, so I would try to see if I couldn't get some good deals going
-Supply ale to the factions for a profit, as no drink can stand it's liquor compared to the fine craftmanship of Dwarven Ale
-Become a smith, sell smithstuff as dwarven merchandise
-Figure out what is going on with the current silence of the palace, as King Gondegal has good relationships with the Ambassadors of the Dwarven Embassy
-Further increase the Embassy's position in Arabel
-Take crews to the Storm Horns in search of the great kingsdoms and reclaim the ancient resting sites of the dwarves, as well as gain control of the rich ore veins there. -
Told him he would have to EiG it since he had already created the character and started playing. As far as I know, he hasn't done anything to earn it yet.
shark PMed me a list of his EiG actions so far, and asks the team to consider earning Envoy status:
Things I’ve done IG on Burdrul so far:
- Created agreements between the Sembian Embassy and the Dwarven Embassy for peaceful >relations and trade
- Worked with Tobur on creating an agreement with House Misrim, which is now tied directly to >the Dwarven Embassy with dwarven guards filling their ranks and protecting trade caravans as >they travel from Thunderholm, in return for increasing the coffers of the Dwarven Embassy
- Have become known by the players as a paragon of the dwarves, someone to depend on and >look up to
- Selling dwarven-made wears and helping those in need to better the position of the Embassy in >Arabel
- Hunted the White Horde numerous times, stopping raids on Eveningstar and eliminating >swathes of them in the Stonelands
- Destroyed some evil tree cult that was sapping the earth and being all nasty and life-draining
- Fought off a devil incursion from bursting out from underneath Arabel
- Currently in talks with further dealings with the Sembians; Ser Vincenzo is planning on creating >better trade deals with the dwarves as well as lending aid to the cleansing of the Storm Horns and >recovering lost dwarven artifacts and halls
- Has become a hero of Arabel; During the White Horde invasion, played a key role in defending >the city and ensuring it wasn’t lost to the horde. Hundreds of enemies slain, the city retaken, and >many lives saved, Burdrul ensured that Ambassador Monika Steelbarrow, Lady Jastyne, one of the >key members of the Hunter’s Guild, as well as various Crimson guards never met their end, >constantly protecting and tending to them. A constant struggle to ensure that some still remained, >after all of it was over, so that Arabel wasn’t left completely defenseless. Before the main invasion, >he had helped find and dealt with advance parties that flooded out of the sewer, and due to his >quick thinking, the city was protected from further attacks from down below, which would have >left their flanks completely open.
- Assisted in various other light tasks about the city, including slaying undead breaching up from >the sewer.
You know what, yes.
@Salem said in sharkinajar / Burdrul Orcleaver / Apping for Dwarven Envoy:
Have become known by the players as a paragon of the dwarves, someone to depend on and >look up to
Pargon of dwarves? really? hahahah
@Salem said in sharkinajar / Burdrul Orcleaver / Apping for Dwarven Envoy:
Destroyed some evil tree cult that was sapping the earth and being all nasty and life-draining
does this just mean he FD'd Draco's PC?
I mean I'm fine with it, but the ego... just slays me :D
tbh he(a lot of people healed the NPCs too anyway) didn't "really" keep the NPCs alive, cause they were put on immortal and just put there to represent the NPC doing something in reality they wouldn't have been near death so often but I am not going to correct him
Yeah I know he healed us. I gave him 2-3 full CSW wands and told him "keep Sovrabi fighting" or something like that.
I dont disagree, it's just funny.
Yeah I know ;)
5 yeses and no noes so putting this as approved, gave him the ribbon that grants him free rest at the falcon's rest and rank 2 wages. He also been added to the Council of Lower Peers. Also gave him a breastplate, +2 vs goblins/orcs/giants, 80% weight reduction, 5% electrical immunity. And a cloak +2 vs chaos and +3 intimidate.
@Puffy said in [Set]sharkinajar / Burdrul Orcleaver / Apping for Dwarven Envoy:
5 yeses and no noes so putting this as approved, gave him the ribbon that grants him free rest at the falcon's rest and rank 2 wages. He also been added to the Council of Lower Peers. Also gave him a breastplate, +2 vs goblins/orcs/giants, 80% weight reduction, 5% electrical immunity. And a cloak +2 vs chaos and +3 intimidate.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on