CB/dragontouched [RETIRED]
[9:15 PM] Echo:
"Common/Average" Subraces no longer require a full app. All we ask for is a quick note as to what you will do to make it more than a human with bonus stats. That's just a quick check so that we know you've read at least the basics of the sub race you are planning to play.
I plan to show my Dragon Touched greed by demanding a larger share of the treasure.
[9:15 PM] Echo: have you sent this in?
[9:17 PM] CitizenBane: Used to just toss this to a dm as a quick message. Basically my dwarf is a copper touched one whose lack of wisdom and overdose of arrogance makes him want to write the history of the city himself
[9:17 PM] CitizenBane: Through his own actions
[9:18 PM] CitizenBane: Impulsive, well meaning, yet arrogant and greedy -
:kissing_face_with_closed_eyes: :hugging_face:
[12:06 PM] CitizenBane: Was just wondering if you wanted to post my app to forums :smile:
[12:13 PM] Echo: didnt I just set up your app PC like 3 weeks ago
[12:14 PM] CitizenBane: Wasn't an app pc, but yes, that was a test thingie and now that i know a little more....
[12:14 PM] Echo: ah I see -
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on