[Set]Gloomy_Sunday/Silas Immerdusk/Rank 3
Topic Title: Gloomy_Sunday/Silas Immerdusk/Promotion to senior retainer (Obyn)
1). Human/Ranger/LE/4/Silas Immerdusk
2). Senior retainer position (Obybn) and/or Immerdusk hunting hound.
What has he done:
Hosted a fencing tournament to show the superiority of swordsmanship as an art, involving a prize purse. Other characters who were less keen to fence were spoken to and challenged individually with the weapons of their choice.
Led a hunting party and hunted two Ancient Dire Bears and gave one pelt as a rug to Obyn, and the other pelt to the malarite priest in the hunters union so that Misrim hunts can be publicly blessed. A large adult Wyvern was also hunted with a separate group, and its teeth, stinger and blood were also given to the malarite priest, earning prestige for House Misrim in the Hunters Union.
Silas is pushing for legal reforms alongside the Vigilant Sun and has made a good deal of headway. While the Vigilant Sun wish allies to help push through the reforms, Silas’ main goal is to enrich the Misrim family by encouraging the Vigilant Sun to take a large loan and bring about a return to noble values. Taxes that favour house Misrim will be codified into law, as well as those allowing indentured servitude from the impoverished peasants, slavery in all but name.In order to increase the prestige of House Misrim Martina the bard was paid to write, post and perform exaggerated stories about Silas' prowess as a hunter and as a fencer.
Gloomy asked if he could pick up this concept again, I don't see any issue with it.
Nope. No issue from me. Good to have him back.
No one cried so told Gloomy its alright
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on