[Set]Valkyrie/DauenStormshield/Rank 4
So, Dauen been pretty busy IG pushing various Crimson Agendas. I think she is starting to be close enough to warrant a discuss on on her earning a promotion to rank 4. Note that I don't think she has earned it yet, but is well on her way so we might as well discuss it.
My idea is based of Dauen's effort into Immersea, tying it into the Nemesis plot with some sweet sweet betrayal. Dauen then needs to pick herself up from the set back and push for her goal even harder. If she succeeds, Immersea is not invaded by Cormyr and she gets promoted to rank 4.
Dauen's reports can be found here: https://nodebb.cityofarabel.com/topic/50467/dauen-s-reports-to-the-crimson-guard/12
Puffy said "Don't you trust me? Then vote yes NERD!"
"Approved" aka she will get it once she earned it.
- Established a mercenary camp in Immersea's Southern Border
- Has been accepted and regarded by all other Crimson Guard PCs as the leader
- Has successfully involved all Crimson Guard members into the WHite Horde plot, each member with their own plot pushing, not just following!
- Shared secrets of her goldfeather discoveries and stoneland puzzles with the group
- Converted to the Red Knight, with Sunman/Chambers also expressing interest
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on