Tower Rank 2/Elralia/JoeKickAss
App is for tower rank 2/Apprentice
Elralia is a "arcane surgeon", ostensibly out to provide surgeries to the poor and marginalised that cannot be healed by conventional magic; amputees, those with debilitating conditions considered terminal by clerics. She presumably has a reference from the Master she worked under as she is around 500 years old.
The arcan surgery is a double edged sword. While she does seek to heal people through magic, she also has a relaxed moral compass, and is quite happily essentially mutilating bodies for those that wish "powers"; e.g., grafting wings onto halflings, permanently chaning shape, etc.
Her interest in Fey is opportunistic and is primarily to obtain transmutation magics to make these surgeries more effective, and permanent.
Aloof and arrogant, she will not be particularly interested in making friends unless there is something clear in it for her. -
What is an arcane surgeon?
Has no poll, voting no
for whatever reason when I did this from mobile the poll didnt go through.
From what I've seen in some pen and paper games is an arcane surgeon who uses arcane spells to help with rudimentary healing. Like animating a scalpel to assist you in surgery, or binding a wound with a bandage that cannot come off for 48 hours.
No cure spells, but arcane-based spells to aid in the healing process.
This would be something a necromancer might employ to try and keep bodies together longer (which is what happened in my pen and paper campaign).
oh, a necromancer! Why didnt he just say so!?
Sure, why not :P
necro power
4 is a yes right? I can get JKA all set up next time I see him?
Just checking whether this has been done yet. I dont mind doing set up if someone wants to walk me through it.
I havent seen him to set him up. if you do please go ahead.
I've set him up for gear as well as pay.
- Update this thread if you havent already and set the topic as [Set] :)
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on