Petey512-Evan Vorota-Aasimar-Advocate of the Vigilant Sun-Celestial Summoning Tome
Evan Vorota-Aasimar-Advocate of the Vigilant Sun-Celestial Summoning Tome
Bio: Evan is an aasimar with curious physical traits: Luminous dark blue skin with gently glowing silvery birthmarks that to the learned observer matches the constellations of the night sky. His hair is dark, and his eyes glow a bright white. This otherworldly appearance has earned him about as much ire as your typical tiefling, though learned holy men were able to recognize his heritage for what it was. His parents happily handed him off to a Selunite temple, where the markings on his skin were puzzled over for meaning or prophecy. Eventually he was kidnapped by Sharrans and analyzed in much the same way, before eventually being rescued by Lathanderites. None were able to discover concrete meaning behind his birthright, and finally fed up, Evan left the Lathanderite order by cover of night and joined the True Sun, (now the Vigilant Sun,) as a means of protection and perhaps definace of his old caretakers. Evan sees mortalkind as a whole, and what he sees is unclean. His mishandling at the hands of even the well-intentioned in his youth has given him a rather pessimistic outlook of most. He holds everyone, including himself, to unreasonably high standards, and his time in the hands of evil faiths has taught him zealotry and at some times, cruelty.
Alignment: LG, (With an emphasis on Lawful) This is going to be complicated because it is going to be a sort of unnatural goodness- Authoritarian and somewhat condescending.-The idea being that this is an otherworldly being who simply does not belong, and whose mere presence upsets the natural order of the material plane. To a lot of people he could be considered evil, I daresay.
Race: Aasimar
Class: Sorcerer.
1.) To utilize the Vigilant Sun's power to it's fullest extent and establish a full-blown Theocracy over Arabel.
2.) Search for a suitable King-Priest to rule, and should all be found wanting, (they will,) reluctantly take on the role himself.
3.) Write an extensive lawbook for the people of Arabel to follow. This is going to be extremely invasive. Licenses for everything, and prohibition of alcohol and other mind-altering substances; as well as anything else fun. He will attempt to put House Misrim in charge of handing out such things, though they will need to donate a higher tithe to offset corruption.Additional Notes: With Ace's permission I would use his old username SadGruffman. To protect both our identities. Failing that I'll use a totally new username.
You don't get to vote on your own app!
I voted yes rejected but its actually yes but I didn't want misty to know
What? Me vote on my own app?
That doesn't sound like something I would do
Ok so I was going to vote no because this looks too much awesome and I want to do it but alas, that is uncharitable of me.
On a more serious note though I don’t think it appropriate to use the name of a different player for this. I am fine with being secretive to players but I am against outright deceiving them.
The name thing is STRONG NO from me.
That's alright! I was actually gonna say I didnt actually want to do that. What started as a fun way of trolling mortui has since become too much work.
I believe the correct response is
"Professor is amazing and wise"
You sure are. Please know I just wanted gruffman to have a good character for once.
We can't allow this to happen, that Gruffman guy sucks
Which of you knuckleheads want to set me up ig?
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on