CB/Aasimar/True Sun/PigWanker/Janine Harrow [Set Up]
1).Aasimar/Paladin/Lawful good/Not made yet/ Janine Harrow
2). What specific perk(s) (subrace, faction, etc)
Aasimar subrace, Sergeant at arm of the True Sun3). A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue
Transferred as a squire who just recently got promoted to sergeant at arms, she was sent to the Arabel region because of her ability to pick out evil and gather others to fight against it.I will play the char as friendly yet stern person who wins people over by taking control, giving them reasons to follow me and arrange epic quests to find ancient artifacts and i want totry to organize marches on houses of lords or factions who do dubious shit
Pretty vague app but cb is a pro. It will be nice to have him back.
Haquin said to keep it simple and short really.
What happened to his Genasi?
Much as me and CB have our differences, damn if he can't do the faithful justice. Got my yes.
He is not having fun playing a fighter and wanted to go True Sun Paladin, but since he didn't know the setting yet he was having problems to come up with goals. So I just told him to describe how he plans to play the character and it should be fine.
Set up
[it was a unanimous vote, no reason to wait for conf, I guess?] -
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