[Rescinded at player request]Orlan Grace/SunShineLollypops (Skuffy)/ Sergeant At Arms, Aasimar
1). Aasimar (Human)/Paladin/LG/4/Orlan Grace
2). Sergeant At Arms, Aasimar
3). Orlan sees himself as simply better than anyone who isn't of Divine Blood and he doesn't mind reminding people of this relatively often. He even ponders if he may even be Descended from Amaunator himself, though he is rarely foolish enough to do so out loud. Of course Others in the True Sun may have more experience in battle and command, but it is his destiny to surpass them all and stand as the true champion of Amaunator's grace, going so far as to even change his name to Grace to represent his destiny.He shall seek to become the faction's truest champion, Guiding it into a new epoch of glory. Striking down the Evil, the Unjust and the Heretic. He shall be a beacon of behind which the faithful can rally and the Faithless can cower before. Those of goodly faith shall Accept Amanaunator as the True and Highest king of the heavens or be branded as traitors to that which is right and true. Though some may be resistant, he shall unveil this truth to them over time so that they may accept it more easilt.
Eventually he shall take the City of Arabel from the Rebel King's unholy rule, and sitting upon the throne and declaring it the new holy city of Amaunator to lead it into a glorious and bright future with Jastyne and Ilsyn both as his wives and ascending as the chosen Avatar of Amaunator's Glorious Rebirth.
He is very sure this is exactly how it will all happen.
4). You know who I am
First, Under the Light
Second, after noon.
I'm into it
Rescinded due to Paladins not being my style.
That's cool. Gotta play what you want. I'm just glad you are back to play something!
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on