Maddox/LostandFound/Rank 4 [Set]
- runs a underdog faction which serves Misrim's interest
- helped sealing a deal with wealthy Sembians
- involves players in clever non hostile manners, using politics
- basically runs awesome events on this own
- props Islyn as THE heir of Misrim
- awesome RPer and makes great fun across the TZ
Wasn't he promoted to rank 3 like.... 1 month ago?
@Haquin said in Maddox/LostandFound/Rank 4:
Wasn't he promoted to rank 3 like.... 1 month ago?
yupp! Something like that, but he's doing well and a lot. Don't see why not :) A month is a loooooooooong time in CoA
Correction, about a month and ½ ago. Dario was promoted after less than 1 month.
Keeping the ball rolling for promotions if people keep the good stuff coming can only be a good thing.
Plus, it demonstrates how acheivable these ranks are, and the sort of stuff we expect to reach them.Sticking some arbitrary time limit between promotions gives less incentive to keep up your mometum and more opportunity for players to start doubting themselves and their plots and eventually just burning out.
Set up.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on