[Set up]Ethika /Henry Burrows/Apprentice
Topic Title: Ethika /Henry Burrows/Apprentice
1). Human/Wizard/CE/8/Henry Burrows
2). Apprentice
3). Planning to create in infernal plot for the tower, I already have 3+ chars involved and a plan set in motion in order to summon a demon and perform a demonic ritual. This will both involve players and benefit the tower as my goal is to bind demons to our service and harvest their blood in order to create demonic potions that imbue the user with said powers. We have a few events set to go already concerning this and it will also bring some conflict among the factions.
4). no -
Apparently Unfie/Claus is making an IC recommendation for him but I have not seen it yet.
11:06 PM] Griffith: i forgot to add that i created a paramilitry merc company to serve to tower, i think you saw my poster on the forums
Vote Yes, sure.
Votes please
He's been a novice for two weeks and doing stuff. [nevermind the PvP mishap] -
Abstaining cause of my involvement in the PVP incident.
As long as his plot to summon a demon doesnt just involve going to the library and looking for a book, casting summon creature, and doing his harvesting, I'm fine with it, but it looks to me, so far, like he is looking for the shortest/easiest route to his goal.
Keep in mind when he asked about helping Olise with her goal and I asked if he spoke orcish, he took the bonus language at that moment and went "Yes I do". Another example of looking for the easy way to "win".
I'm abstaining from voting on this one due to my personal biases.
Its fine. I have already set in motion a means for him to play with outsiders (won't be easy obv). He's playing with fire, definitely, and any missteps will result in harsh penalties. But play it cool and maybe he can summon a lesser demon or some such.
the King of Greed don't hire idiots (Nearest available infernal NPC for pacts) but he can trick them for their soul >:)
Finiished the set up
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