[Set]Master Sarevok/Jeri Shalach/Tower Apprentice
Does the player have an IC recommendation? I mean finding sorcerers and making them a magical battery is pretty cool by itself.
3 according to Hellz
He wants to make Sorcerers acctually contribute to society in a meaningful way?
Instant Yes, make some use of the lazy buggers!
I don't know anything bad against him so I guess by default I vote yes. I see no issues.
5 yes votes. Moving to confirmation
Sarevok is from BG2, a bhaalspawn. The events of BG are canon in FR, and goldchildren tend to be rather famous.
Probably not a big deal, just an FYI.
This is 1359, the Bhaalspawn saga hasn't begun.
Isn't that just his account name anyway? Not sure why it's relevant; I think the objection would be if it was character name.
Never mind then, my bad. The app title just caught my eyw.
Has he been set?
Think he's in the faction, could've sworn I've seen him posting on the board.
Put as set for now
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on