Puffy Spice!
Workers out East have disappeared which have their families worried.
Some say that Bandits that have been causing trouble on the Eastway Roads have a hideout in the forests somewhere.
Lady Winter is worried as a caravan that was due from the West has not yet arrived.
Note: These areas are for parties and can be quite difficult. Do not try to solo them.
3 mini spices available IG, recommended to search for them in a group!
2 mini events available IG, also recommended to be searched for by a group
5ish light spices IG, possible to solo at a low level
2 spices in the Hullack
1 spice near the Stormhorns
2 road spices
1 spice around the Helmlands
Couple of mystery cards over the server
Good luck!
A merchant is reported missing after heading off towards Suzail and never returning, words from Suzail is that the merchant never arrived. Meanwhile in the Hullack haunting howled echoes over the tree tops, with dark shadows lurking in the bushes.. Not far away, words of strange chanting spread in Thunderholme as scouts report of foul smells near the Wailing Fog. Arabel is not quiet either, as strange clanging noises echoes from the dark and dangerous ruins..
Meanwhile, several roads are terrorized by Old Town youths mugging and assaulting travellers.
In the sandy dunes of the Stonelands, strange burrows litter the sand and the wildlife stirs with unease. Exotic beasts and animals fleeing the mysterious threats linger between the rocky mountains and open sand plains, Bedines tribes withdraw to safe passages to avoid these silent killers..
Meanwhile in the Thunderpeaks strange winds howl among the mountains, travellers goes missing and the weather grows colder.
Darkness rises along the Tilverscar as chanting echoes among the high cliffs, farmers and travellers avoid the road in fear of what may surface from the cursed land below.
Caravans has gone missing after venturing into the Wailing Fog, words of strange creatures wandering in the fog brings fear into many travellers hearts. Adventurers have attempted to discover the source, only to never return.
Meanwhile haunting howls echoes in the Eastern Wildlands, farmers are on their guard..
Along the High Road words of bandits spread, most likely hungry Old Towners tired of eating stale bread.
The Bedine tribes in the Stonelands are suffering still from the wildlife which migrate from the Anauroch, thundering roars echoes across the scorching sand all the way through the night.
Whipping winds strikes the Thunderpeaks, words of a storm brewing drawing many dwarves to seek shelter within the mountains.
Pirates has struck Wyvernwater once again, with several merchant ships being robbed of their possessions in the waters around Steel Isle.
Puffy Spice is returning this week with vengeance
Keep the nutmeg off my cookies.
Words spread that strange howls echoes in the winds surrounding Marliir's March, a few travellers and soldiers headed towards the Anauroch are said to have failed to report back after heading North. However, Eveningstar has been haunted by a large band of ogres along the Highway, making any patrol unable to search for the missing soldiers.
Meanwhile in the Hullack Spring is arriving, with this a boom in flowers and fauna. Following the beautiful blood, the bees and wasps has been on the rise. One eager adventurer tried to remove the wasps by attacking the main nest, the adventurer is now in a coma and the Hullack full of swarms with very angry wasps.
Arabel has had its own set of vermin, with many of the wealthy citizen complaining about the rising amount of spiders and cobwebs. Yet, when the local vermin hunters went into the Sewers to deal with the nest, they found the sewers void of any spiders. Matt Alright, a local vermin expert, has theorized the spiders have nested further beneath the city.
In the Twisted Cavern several bodies have been uncovered after a violent quake, rumours are spreading that the Pit itself has suffered several cave ins.
Many miles from the heart of Cormyr along the war front the local troupes have suffered from frequent attacks by Wyverns, none has so far worked out the reason behind the rise in Wyvern attacks.
10 secret unnamed spices also available across the server, spices are encouraged to be explored in groups!
With a burst of flurry, Tilverwoods come alive with fey activity. Most of the fey pay no mind to adventurers, travellers nor farmers. It is uncertain what has made such large amount of fey come to the woods, yet it is clear that the vegetation has become more grabby than usual.
In the Stonelands a large band of goblins have laid claim upon the local oasis, the Bedine claim the goblins were chased from their den by a enormous Wyvern.
The Twisted Caverns have had their of spot of goblin issues, with many adventurers warning others to take care when venture deeper into the caverns below.
Meanwhile in Eveningstar and the King's Swamp, rumours are spreading of a rise in hostility from lizardfolks. The lizardfolks have become bolder, attacking passer bys. Along with these rumours comes words of a missing Swords Captain, which some locals in Eveninstar claims has been kidnapped.
Outside Arabel along the roads and wilderness, the local wildlife is battling for turf with some local bandits whom are recruiting other freedom fighters to claim back their taxes.
In the heart of the Thunderpeaks, strange chanting echoes in the wind. Dwarves and travellers are advised to stay off the road, with rumours of the frozen dead walking once more.
Meanwhile in Hillmarch there are too rumours of the flash shuffling along, perhaps stragglers of Undead Isle seeking revenge.. Nevertheless, it smells foul.
Within the sewers hissing noises echoes, whilst the foul stench of the sewer is even more severe than usual..
All whilst yellow eyes lurk in the shadows of the King's Swamp..
A large goblin tribe has occupied the heart of the Hullack Forest, travellers and adventurers are advised to not venture into the forest alone. Lord Mertoi and the Purple Dragons are working on boosting the village defences before preparing to clear out the threat.
Meanwhile in Marliir's March wanderers are speaking of a secret passage within the forest leading into a long forgotten valley...
The Haunted Halls are suffering from an increasing amount of Minatours, whose population has recently boomed. Some believe it is connected with the disappearance of Eveningstar's cows in the past few days.
In the sewers strange chanting echoes, with the stench of the sewers mixing with that of blood.
Caravans are once again struggling to make safe passage through the Anauroch, with strange chanting and strange smells lingering from the local oasis causing many to avoid the essential waterhole.
In the forest surrounding Eveningstar a strange shamantic song has been murmuring among the trees, the Purple Dragons are warning locals of a large warband camping nearby.
Meanwhile in the Helmlands a large group of adventurers and pilgrims have gone missing, judging by the spread of limbs and gore across the sand there is something very very powerful within that no adventurer should try to face without an well prepared army.
In the Tilverwood the local plant life is enjoying the beginning of summer, with various beautiful blossoms springing up. The locals have noted that the Poppies are especially frequent this year.
Below the surface words are going underground of a large group of exiled Duergars settling into the Salt Marches whilst trying to break into the crumbled ruins of the Thrivaldi.
Travellers wandering across the Stormhorns report of a large tribe of monsterus creatures gathering in the heart of the mountain, for what purpose is yet unclear but whilst the large gathering occur everyone is advised to avoid the mountains.
Meanwhile along Calantar's Way deep within the King's Forest local farmers complain about crops being vandalised and their storages raided, oddly enough no doors nor windows have been broken to access the supplies.
Words also spread of a large bovine herd occupying the High Road, with local cattle going missing in the night.