proceeds to burn his ships

Latest posts made by Gurb
RE: Polaris
Twinkle twinkle little star,
Burning with the fire of a billion thermonuclear explosions,
Or already dead and consumed while your light still travels through the vast, uncaring vacuum,
We will all be dead and you will still be twinkling.
I suck at lullabies. -
RE: And so too shall another day rise
Ok, we've officially stopped scraping off the bottom of the barrel and started drilling through it.
RE: Tips/Suggestions for Application Writing
And the corollary would be if you don't hear from us at all in a while, say a week, ask to check if we actually received/saw the application. It's easy to miss one application in the sea of messages that's our email account.
RE: Tips/Suggestions for Application Writing
Also, sometimes we reject applications for non-full factions because all we get is oddball concepts or "special" characters. For instance, in the last couple of weeks we receive only one basic militia app and three PD scout apps (scouts are a minority, we already have some playing, and going to the PDs without going through the militia is harder).
RE: Tips/Suggestions for Application Writing
Thanks, Combs. That's a fairly good summary. I wanted to add that the majority of rejected applications are due to a poorly written point 5. That is the single most important piece of information we're looking for: how will the server benefit from you getting this position/PrC/subrace/favor.
Behind that, the second worst offender is not reading the faction requirements. Not all the requirements are absolute, we've had evil guards and priest retainers and such, but for us to approve a character that's out of the norm YOU have to work harder to convince us that it will be worth it. Generally speaking, the more removed you are from the requirements, the harder it will be to convince us and the less likely it is you will be approved.
And then of course, the attempt to say what you think we want to hear. "It will be good for RP", "I will foster conflict with other factions", "I have many plans for this characters", and so on. We don't care about your opinion, we want to know the specifics of how you plan to achieve that.
Avoid those three pitfalls, and your application will have gone a long way towards approval.