Angered spirit on the mountains
Are you quoting the laws of Tilverton there?
And no, we are not lawmakers, nor are we law enforcers. I am sharing information about the happenings in the Kingdom with the council. The council has also issued bounties in the past for those comitting capital offences.
Not unless these are Tilverton's laws. Although if I'm reading this right, it states that this is the law of Arabel? Or maybe I'm illiterate. Although for reference, I will include the laws of Tilverton to make sure there is no miscommunication.'t they issue bounties on commoners and not nobility or am I mistaken on the bounties that I've seen?
-Jenny Whitlock
Not sure where you dug that out from, but this is the lawbook of Arabel.
I didn't suggest any bounties be issued, just referenced that the council does involve itself in some legal matters, when they pertain to the safety of the environs of Arabel.
We don't yet know if there are any lingering repurcussions of what was done here, spirit wise.
It would also be a simple matter for House Mossmere to avoid the law I referenced - if they compensated the person they cursed and forced into working for them afterwards, it would be a clever use of a loophole, they could even give them a single gold coin, technically. Though I suspect they already did compensate them.
They would of course, need to admit they used a curse to compel someone into service first, for that to work however.
(Note: they could also deny everything and claim the words of a commoner, a mere councillor of the Precept, and another Precept member are nothing compared to those of the noble house of Mossmere - again, I am sharing information with the council, so they know what is occuring within the kingdom.)
Does the council intend to do nothing here?
Are we to let this kind of thing slide?
Does the council claim that I, and my brother Ichabod are lying about this curse? Does Mossmere?Would it be the same if this was done by a free person of the Kingdom of Arabel who does not call themselves a lord?
These questions need answers, we are setting another precedent here. I am loathe to bring up a vote, as something as sensitive as this should surely be handled by the other councils who advise the crown.
If nothing is to be done by this council however, I will note this down in our list of precedents set.
It's more we don't care about the curse.
Trying to break into people's homes to steal from them has consequences.
I imagine someone trying to break into the Precept to steal from it would be punished harshly
Sir Pierre
I have added this precedent to our list.
Actually, that was a bit hasty, we should hear from other councillors, plus, I'm seeking clarification from House Mossmere.
So, Councilor Izereth are you saying that thievery should be allowed? That no punishment should be given, even if the person being stolen from just says that they can try to steal from them? According to the laws of Arabel it states, "Theft- Unlawful possession of articles rightfully belonging to another person, be they living or dead." Or even the fact that he was trespassing? "Trespassing- Unlawful or unwelcome entrance to privately held property or land, or failure to remove oneself from such, as stated by the proper owner."
The theft and tresspass is a different case, the law isn't tit for tat, eye for an eye. We're not agents of chaos.
Are you really pursuing this vendetta against House Mossmere? This would be something that the Council of Upper Peers would handle, if they deemed it necessary. This isn't what the Council of Twelve Peers is here for. Also, it's known that you hosted the Sun Games that was run by the Lower House. So, are you sure that you are being unbiased in this matter?
Everyone on this council is biased. I don't see what that has to do with what the laws are though.
I'm merely trying to understand why you seem so worried about House Mossmere, who is on the Council of Upper Peers and helps write the laws of Arabel, were justified in punishing a citizen who decided to trespass and attempt to steal from them. Yet you state that we aren't lawmakers, nor law enforcers. So why should we care about this incident? This is something that the Greywatch can look into. Let this incident be put to rest, and let us focus on our job, which is dealing with the greater threats to this realm.
It's clear the council has no interest then.
The Precept will keep an eye on the situation, as is our remit with magical incidents.
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