Hullack Forest Relations
Bloodhound Hunnar is investigating the matter on behalf of the Precept. A number of our people have been attacked and threatened by them, and it behoves us to investigate these blood sacrifices and whatever rituals may be involved.
My uncle is well within his rights to ask all of these questions, and if your friends in the forest are so faultless then they have nothing to fear.
Councillor Elias Goldcrown
If I had to hazard a guess, the rich lads on the block don't like getting their cheeks slapped by a singular ranger for being unwilling to touch grass in a forest.
Now that the scary ranger is gone, time to go in hard.
What ranger is gone? Are the upper echelons of your command structure growing thin Graywatcher? I'm sure you can find someone else to take orders from if you sift through enough swamp water.
Councillor Elias Goldcrown
Aww, did I strike a nerve there little socialite. The about face is transparent, if you had stones you'd have gone and dealt with it yourselves instead of waiting so long. You're five agents strong, and you couldn't handle a single ranger in a forest.
If the fire brigades acted in the same fashion, we'd have to wait for winter for the houses to stop burning. Get your acts together.
And if our law enforcement weren't colluding with the enemy then we would not be in this situation at all.
Councillor Elias Goldcrown
Anyone get murdered, any coin taken, was a bounty posted? The Greywatch are a Vigilante organization, did you try asking the palace authorities? I got murders to investigate and Orc hosts to deal with. A fight between adventurers shouldn't require a judge to sanction you to handle, or was stalling always the tactic for this sort of problem?
This infighting serves only Arabels enemies. Act as representatives or give up your seats to those who can do more than act as a child.
This discussion is on the topic of the Hullack, the Ravens of Tilverton stand with the Hullack Rangers in its protection. The Council has decided to erect a shrine near the entrance in an effort to encourage tithes to the Hullack. These are positive changes which will bring our peoples and nation closer together.
Do not ruin this.
-J. Rawen
It has already been decided? Were we asked to vote on this matter? If tilverton wants to build its friends a shrine why even involve the council at all. Brutus has already made it clear that the hullack rangers are not, and have never been a threat.
Councillor Elias Goldcrown
The Hullack is part of our kingdom, appeasing the spirits there will benefit us all.
E.C. Blythe
Since you seem intent on appeasing these filthy savages, and for whatever reason believe shrine construction to be a council matter, I have conversed with Hunnar and he has agreed to cancel his investigation.
This sets an ugly precedent, where a councillor uses his position to convince an investigator to ignore a possible crime, and if indeed a crime has taken place I feel we must collectively shoulder part of the burden for allowing ciminals to work unmolested.
My own uncle will not look me in the eye after this, and a great dispiritedness has fallen upon the Goldcrown clan, one that I must personally correct.
This, I hope, will convince you to stall destroying the gem, and allow me to inspect it, that I can ascertain its true purpose.
Councillor Elias Goldcrown
Councilor Goldcrown,
You may send your uncle my warm regards.
-J. Rawen
It is the opinion of the higher councils that those Wildwalkers who threaten violence in the KING'S LAND should be punished for their displays of disrespect to their liege and his rule.
- Dictated Not Read,
High Council Clerk Blythe