Case File: Black Dragon
It is the title, Squire of His Majesty that makes me suspicious
Guess the name of the spirit?
I'm not in the mood for guessing games .
Don't be cryptic as it just makes you look suspicious
It's Majesty.
And you don't think a spirit calling itself Majesty is suspcious especially when Cormyreans seem to be plotting against the city?
Mikul has been questioned.
He openly admits he is loyal to Comryr, But claims he is not the Black Dragon and has had no contact with them.
He claims he is in Arabel because his father, A Lionar was murdered by men from a foreign company and he wishes to fufill his fathers goal of putting the spirits of South Horn to rest.
He states if he is contacted by this Dragon he will let us know if their plots endanger people, But doesn't seem overly sincere.
Mikul merits further observation due to his loyalties.
Majesty is very very old nature spirit Bryce.
I wonder if the Cormyte Blue Bloods in Suzail know a Kingswood shrub is competing for Obaryskyrs Title.
-Clerk Johnson
Arabellans, Council Members, "Bastard King,
You have chosen your fate. You have chosen to ignore the misdeeds of the past. You have chosen a side, allying yourself with dishonourable rebels, traitors to the Kingdom of Cormyr.
Time does not wash away the sins you built your false Kingdom on. In what happens next, there will be no fence sitting, no hiding behind a veil of ignorance.- You sided with an enemy of Cormyr, the foreign warrior Gondegal.
- You took up arms against your fellow countrymen, butchered them, and stole their belongings.
- You committed treason against the King and country that kept you safe for over a 1000 years
- The noble houses of Rowanmantle, Misrim, Vaylan, Grossman, Mossmere, Kessemer, Goldfeather, Calantar, Kraliqh, Indesm, Immerdusk and Summerstar have rebelled against their true King, and have forfeited any claim to their noble titles. To serve them is to serve a false King.
- For failing to ensure justice for the thousands of dead Cormyrians, the Greywatch will be treated as enablers of rebellion. To wear the grey is to mark yourself a traitor.
- For failing to register with the Kingdom of Cormyr as a school of the arcane, The Precepts will be treated as servants of the “Bastard King”, and judged accordingly.
I find you all guilty of these crimes, and you shall feel my vengeance.
You failed to make amends. You failed to take even the simplest of steps to show you are more than brigands, bandits and traitors to a false cause.
So now I rise, The Ghost of Cormyr, the Black Dragon. And you shall feel my wrath.
I do not see any mention of Eveningstar in this, Even though The Aster and Church of Lathander has seats on this council. Very suspicious
I don't see any mention of the Greywatch either.
Are YOU the Black Dragon, Bryce? Or are you just going to accuse every single person in Arabel until one of them admits they're the Black Dragon. The whole point of an anonymous terroristic persona is to incite paranoia amongst the populace.
I'm really not sure how we find out who this person is. If you forced me to guess, I find the person hanging around in a Cormyran controlled forest named because it is literally Obarskyr property is the most likely suspect, but seeing as I've never met them I really don't have an actual opinion on the matter. I would probably suggest looking into this first, however.
The Greywatch are definately mentioned,
For failing to ensure justice for the thousands of dead Cormyrians, the Greywatch will be treated as enablers of rebellion. To wear the grey is to mark yourself a traitor.
Well Eveningstar is near the Kings Forest, and the Cormyreans still control Colinwood as far as I am aware.
Given that the nation of Cormyr and some sixty percent of its populace prays Lathander daily, I would save there is a good chance this Black Dragon does not wish to enrage the entire faith by implicating the Bishopric of Eveningstar, a Lathanderite Stronghold. As has been stated quite a few times in our files, Arabels relationship with Eveningstar is quite important, as is our relationship with Tilverton.
Why they did not extend the same courtesy to the faiths of Helm and Tempus I feel is quite obvious, both High Priests took part in the war at King Gondegals' side, and much later, our very own blessed Tymoran champion, High Priestess Arianne.
Pure speculation of course.
-Clerk Johnson
This might not mean anything, but it did strike me as odd.
I was telling the Hawthorne woman about my vision in Eveningstar, and when I told her I got to meet the Queen she asked "Which Queen?"
Which I thought was an odd question. Certainly not damning evidence but I thought it a very very odd thing to say.
P.S. I feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but please don't publicly use this post as reasoning to beat the piss out of the girl and search her.
So is this random cow droppings or is there some truth in it?
Soppi of the Redwood
Mandy was gifted with control over negative energy, but made no attempts to control the undead. Her use of these energies was the same as that of an evoker. As for the item, she was experimenting in creating a staff for her own personal use. Last I’d seen of the item, it had no dangerous properties.
Mandy was slain in a cowardly manner, struck through the side as she gazed into the Calantar river, strung up and burned in a bonfire. The Black worm is an honorless creature and from the evidence gathered either struck Thorn down from hiding, or slew her while they weren’t seen as a threat. Thorn died with a sword in her hand, and whatever energies released from the object were likely due to tampering. She died swiftly, she was a very old woman and unfortunately trusting of others.
The murder weapon appears to have been a long sword, used at close range. It pierced her through completely entering through her side and exiting. The scene lacked any prints beyond those belonging to Thorn, making me believe this person has an in-depth knowledge of tracking, the long sword eliminates several potential rogues from the suspect list. Hanging the woman by a rope requires a adequate level of strength. Likely looking at a individual with at least some martial training.
Last I’d seen of the object, she had managed by accident to impart a piece of her own soul into a rod. That was the morning of the day of her death.
-Blood Dragon, Naresh Sabzvari
Jadzia any mysterous staves turned up?
Soppi of the Redwood
I do have the said artifact in my possession
Dawnlord Jadzia Sunguard
She was the first one I’d saved, awoke in a gnoll slave pen and taken hostage by slavers after that. Survives all that to be killed by some cowardly worm.
What a damned waste.
-Blood Dragon, Naresh
Some bittersweet gains in whom the Blackdragon is at least in the clues of her demises.
We can safely remove mages and most druids from the list of suspects and we know we're looking for a strong person with more than a dash of cunning and forsesight. The fact they got so close without being seen as a threat surgests either there sneaky enough to get within strike range without being noticed or can hide there intent well to walk up to them with a weapon in there hands without creating alarm.
A longsword surgests there a member of the larger races, with human or elf seeming more likely, through a dwarf or half orc is possible. While it tempting to say were looking for a swordsman, they might have used a longsword on purpose to throw us off.
Soppi of the Redwood
Our best option of finding who the Black Dragon is, is likely a spy.
Last week I tasked Mikul of contacting them and they did so by letter.
Unfortunately they won't meet Mikul unless he proves himself.
I suggest since The Dragon is targeting the precept mostly you work with Mikul so he can prove himself. I would think a "fight" where he beats one of the precept and takes a uniform may work. I am certain you could provide him with a very basic one which should do the trick.