File: Further angellic summoning by Jazdia
If the queen wishes I will tell her personally. Otherwise let the queen know it has been a very slow process and is not mending as well as was hoped. I will submit myself to the queen and explain in person why this is. Or if the queen would rather I will send her a personal missive describing the current affairs and climate of the mending. May Lathander bless her Majesty
Dawnlord Jadzia Sunguard.
The mending is going poorly as the House of the Morning seem to think they can ignore the laws of Arabel and be immune to them whilst expecting Arabellian citizens to submit to thiers.
Jazdia has already put up a poster confessing to breaking our laws before she became official clergy and trying to justify it and dodge lawful punishment.
Whilst this continues I cannot see much progress being made
The Oath is extremely displeased with the Church of Lathader flippant and consistent angelic summoning, as well as it general arrogance and inability to cooperate and share information.
Soppi of the Redwood
Information that is not yours to know end of discussion. The greywatch can stick to being thugs in the alleys as always. As for any admissions I have given I will take them up appropriately but I assure you it will not be with the greywatch or the Oathtakers.
Dawnlord Jadzia Sunguard
Oh but it will be Jazdia
If you continue to refuse to turn yourself in and face the consequences for your crimes a bounty will be issued on you.
you are not the law you are a bunch of thugs you decided to promote yourselves as such I do not answer you. If the Queen herself deems otherwise only then might you get that considation from me councilor Bryce.
So if you wish to continue on your bullying tirade be my guest but be for warned I suggest you try being diplomatic for a change.
AS for you oathtaker I would like a list of this information I did not share that you feel your are so privy too?
Hold on, Dawnlord?
Is that an official Clergy title? Wouldn't that make them exempt from the summoning laws?
-A Clerk.
They are a Dawnlord now, They weren't when they did it. So they are not exempt
Sounds like the Councilor missed his chance.
- Clerk Robinson