File: Further angellic summoning by Jazdia
No I will not give you such an oath druid. I will promise in the light of Lathander there will not be another attempt at a gate spell unless there is no alternative. I can only speak the truth. As for the messengers Lathander has blessed me with to aid in our fight against evil you will have no such promise.
Dawnlord Jadzia Sunguard
So be it. There more than the way of words to keep Balance.
Soppi of the Redwood
you wouldn't be threatening a fellow councilor and Official clergy of the Lathanderite temple and Clergy would you druid? and as for your proclamation I think you are overstetching your reach oathtaker and the power you seem to think you have control over. I suggest in light of this council you cease your relentless accusations and actual events and how it pertains to you claiming you falsehoods on matters unrelated to this council.
Dawnlord Jadzia Sunguard
I keep my Oaths and care for the safety of the region.. unlike you.
Soppi of the Redwood
I do tend to the safety of these realms just not by your orders or how you deem it should be done.
Summoning planar beings is not caring for the safety of the realms.
You have been told by the Royal Mage why summoning Angels is outlawed in Arabellian lands.
I suggest you heed it
Perhaps the Lathaderites are so resistant to the idea they should stop summoning angels, because the plan to bring many many angels to this region to 'purge the unclean'? Which by the extreme standards of outsiders will likely include all the tieflings, any clergy that aren't Lathanders direct allies servants, people who give said people food, lodging, people who give people who offer such services a polite smile across the market.... and so forth to the point of outsider insanity.
Also since I put up my poster, increasing numbers of adventures have been approaching me with worries and even talk of historic summoning by the Lathaderites... and trust me on this, it taking all my diplomatic clout within the circle to keep Eveningstar out of 'consequences' about this too.
Jadzia you have sinned by summoning angels, and your arrogance around it is creating chaos, eat humble pie publicly over it before this gets real bad.
Soppi of the Redwood
For A druid who claims balance you sure to hold strictly to one side of the scale dont you? I am not running around summoning angels everywhere down every street. I am not some child with a new toy. So some respect for my knowledge and my skill. And stop treating me as if I do not know what I am capable of. You behavior is not very becoming for a council member druid or Bryce of the Greywatch. I fear for the day you continue on this path and then find you do need some kind of Divine intervention and you will have alienated everyone.
Dawnlord Jadzia
And on another note if the Royal wizard wants to chime in on such a discussion I would be happy to share words with him and the King if they wish it. I am they would find the conversation entertaining.
Dawnlord Jadzia Sunguard
I assure you, his Majesty watches his quarreling subjects with much amusement.
Royal Wizard MacGregor Falstean
You have given every priest and wizard with a big enough ego to now excuss the use of any summon they please as long as it's against 'bad'.
Soppi of the Redwood
It time this matter was concluded, a public meeting will be held outside the Palace.
Soppi of the Redwood
//works for everyone?, or would it better to shift it about?
//looks like 3 pm my time so yes I think I can make it or ic refuse to show up sure lol
Or due to her confession of summoning in Arabellian lands Jazdia can turn herself into the Greywatch for punishment.
I will not answer to the greywatch for anything.
Her majesty has requested a report on the progress so far regarding the mending of the relationship between Eveningstar and Arabel.
-Clerk Pinwell
The Councilors can do that one.
- Clerk Robinson
Not it.
A Clerk
If the queen wishes I will tell her personally. Otherwise let the queen know it has been a very slow process and is not mending as well as was hoped. I will submit myself to the queen and explain in person why this is. Or if the queen would rather I will send her a personal missive describing the current affairs and climate of the mending. May Lathander bless her Majesty
Dawnlord Jadzia Sunguard.
The mending is going poorly as the House of the Morning seem to think they can ignore the laws of Arabel and be immune to them whilst expecting Arabellian citizens to submit to thiers.
Jazdia has already put up a poster confessing to breaking our laws before she became official clergy and trying to justify it and dodge lawful punishment.
Whilst this continues I cannot see much progress being made