[Archived]Approved Applications
Udated 18/10
Set up Joe as a Kenku, Removed no longer active PCs
Updated October 20
- Set up Farglenargle / Dario Windmere as a Fang
I've gone through and updated the list, added MIA tags to people I haven't seen.
Removed MIA PCs and added Mortui's Reinholdt Klein to Tower
Nov 10
- Removed Apple from TS
- Set up Gruffman for Misrim
Added Orin to the True Sun.
Removed Ulric[Verk] from Crimson Guard
Promotion Reinholt/Mortui to Sentinel (Rank 3) -
Removed Caius from Crimson and Ghost - dead
Removed Rose from Crimson - inactive
Updated ranks
Updated Nan to great Druid with Redwood grove -
Added * Walrus/Grongrolim Runearm [Spiffy] Rank 2 and Jeri, looks like Jeri was missed from the list. Put him as rank 3 but he hasn't be set IG yet
- Master_Sarevok / Jeri Shalach / Rank 3 [Professor]
Removed: All dead except gloomy who retired
- Unfie / Claus Nightingale [Spiffy] Rank 3
- Petey512 / Rastaban [Skuffy] Rank 3
- Gloomy_Sunday / Rannus Black [Spiffy] Rank 3
- Mortui / Reinholdt Klein (Ghostspy) [Professor Rank 3
- Ethika / Henry Burrows / [Bowser/Professor] Rank 3
Added Herud to crimsons
- Added Captain_Locke (locke on the forums) / Dipple Sprocket / Tower Apprentice
Added * Aeribelle/Aeribelle Frostwave/ [Puffy] Rank 2
Added * Zolm/Elridia Di'reyn/ [Puffy] Rank 2
Added Finalmint / Fenthwick Fizzlebang [Professor] Rank 2
- Verk / Francis Devalle / Everwatch Guard [Spiffy]
- Mortuuee/ DT (Shadow) / Aureliana Barrros [App-lite Professor]
Added * Dracos / Lydia/Custom Armour -15% arcane failure [Misty]
Sap(Skuffy) / Alethra Saalir Misrim and blue dragontouched
removed JoeKickAss
Nyx Darklight/LunaticHigh/Cansin