Changes to the module
More tweaking to some scripted quests including custom loot drops.
Put in a new errand quest.
Added items to the module to give bonuses to pure class monks, fighters, barbarians and rangers. Their locations should not be too hard to find and they should be self-explanatory to use. At the minute the bonuses given are under trial, as below. The bonuses are subject to change at any given moment, items will not need to be replaced.
Ranger - reflex save increased to high progression, tumble and disable traps ranks doubled to simulate class skill. +1 bonus to spot, listen and search increasing to +2 at level 6 and +3 at level 12.
Monk - spell resistance - 7 + monk level
Barbarian - damage resistance 1/- at level 1 increasing to 2/- at level 5, 3/- at level 10. +1 damage bonus increasing to +2 at level 7.
Fighter - +1 discipline and will save increasing to +2 at level 6 and +3 at level 12.
Please report any bugs to the usual places.
Made a couple of changes to the Porry Hatter quest so that it's a lot easier to get a group together that is able to take it.
Put in a new quest for levels 6-12, intended to be high risk, high reward. The subject matter should make this clear.
Please send any bugs/balance reports to the usual places.
Sort of fixed search devices at Temon's shop
Crafted wands of summoning will now use the summon theme of their crafter!
All the githyanki forces should be removed from the areas they had seized. Let me know if there are any stragglers.
Deleted many unused module resources, let me know right away if any NPCs spawn naked or anything seems to be missing all of a sudden that was used afterall!
Redid several CARES tables, adding some new very rare spawns and a few new encounters over all.
Revised the sewers to better reflect their purpose in the module. ie a means of getting around unseen rather than multiple empty areas without encounters or much purpose.
Added a new quest.
Added 4 entirely new areas for players to explore. [Hint, none of them are in the sewers. The new areas in the sewers don't actually count.]
Did one entire redesign of a fifth area (presume the area has always looked like this when you encounter the changes–this is more what I wanted when I originally designed it and just never implemented it as well as it could have been done).Added 10 new monsters for players to encounter and fight.
We've expanded on the system of 'rare items' like White Stag Meat and True King's Tears and added in an item explaining how to design rituals to accomplish major goals players occasionally have (like making unburnable nets or building golems--ie those really 'big' deal things related to player initiated plots and stories now have specific items that are rare, hard to find, but hidden in the module in ways you can get to without needing a DM. This should be a huge boost for player initiated plots and stories that will only need a DM to oversee at the very end.)
Added in a new system of magic items that have minor flaws when you use them. This was tested locally without problems, but let me know again how they work and avoid spoilers.
Over the next week or so, I'll probably be fine tuning some of these changes and tweaking a few things. I've been working on all of this for about three weeks now, but its still not quite perfected.
Alright, with the next update, I believe and hope all the bugs will be hammered out of the last update.
The new items should be working along with their drawbacks.
The races will be functioning properly.
Disease in the new sewers should not be as frequent.
Fixed many bugs related to the sewers. Hopefully, I've gotten them all now.
All elemental protection spells now have a duration of 24 hours. You'll notice this increased Endure and Resist Elements both (they both had been set to turns/level and only Protection was 24 hours).
Aliyah's Vade Mecum is now open for business, the scripts for the items in the store should be working properly now.
Familiars will no longer be attacked by the NPC guards who used to do that.
Wand of summon creature 2 cast summon that last longer. Even though the wand indicate it's cast with a spellcaster level of 3, the spellcaster level used to calculate the duration in the script is 5.
Players now have the possibility to apply for their character (spellcasters only) to be Cursed! (Who wouldn't want that?)
Ways to get rid of the curse can be arranged between the player and DMs or decided solely by the DMs (on a case per case basis, mostly depending on the curse), some curses might also be permanent and never be removed in the entire character's lifespan.
Just thought the playerbase should know, if some of you have longed to play a cursed cleric forever but never applied for it.
Faction-specific sender should work again after next reset.
Added free sendings for newer factions that didn't have it.
Made an adjustment to skeletal archers, let me know if anything really bizarre happens with them.
Added several new creatures which are rare spawns. These rare spawns drop certain materials you may find a use for in game.
Made balance adjustments to several quests.
Aeseph's Quest is now on the custom treasure system. You should not be finding empty chests all over at the end now.
Added a new reagent for spells, players can discover what it is in game and how to use it.
Adjusted the Squiggle/Parasites in the module to be a little more useful and a little less harmful.
Wildshape and Polymorph self now use chat commands to work. You can quickslot lots of different shapes that way.
Bread delivery should now work.
Familiars should no lnoger be attacked by guards. -
Fixed all the potion crafting bugs. Everything should work fine now.
Added a sender to South.
Fixed the gold taking bug with potion crafting yet again.
Added some socketable items to the Treasure System. Added a few gems to the Treasure System. They are easily identified by a GREEN name, quite reminiscent of Diablo 2.
Fixed bug with Gypsy Healer Quest Journal.
Nerfed some Polymorph forms. More probably need it too. Please report any that are significantly over powered for the module.
Adjusted Monstrous Regeneration to use 5 / caster level instead of 3 / two caster levels.
Fixed a bug with the Shattered Obsidian for those who have tried investigating that in the past. It should work now.
Removed a bunch of scripts and conversations. Please let me know if anything stops working that should work.
Moved Caroline Quentin to Thunderway and put her by a burning caravan to match her story.
After the next reset, the new Domains should all be working properly. This may still need a smidgen of testing, but it looks good.
Very clever players learned awhile back that if you tie someone up, and make a climb check, the person you tied up is automatically moved to you. We have now adjusted climb checks to reflect the fact you're dragging someone on your climb.
We have also added swimming suits, these items give a +2 bonus to swim checks when you're wearing them.
There, it's in the right place now.
New chat command will go live after the next reset.
.roll "dicetype"
.roll "ability"
.roll "skill"
This chat command will allow you to roll dices, ability checks and skill checks (skill checks are not yet implemented)
Details on how it works are here /forum/viewtopic.php?p=698092
Forced the DC for armor modification to 0, should let anyone with the skills modify armor without any risk of failure now. (full investigation on an elegant solution will come when I have some time)
Added some more gems and socketed items.
Hanse Seeds are fixed, plant away and enjoy the benefits.
Area added to the hullack to reflect some recent events.
Small change.